Action needed to provide for Europe’s minority ethnic elderly

Urgent action is needed to prevent a looming crisis in provision for Europe’s minority ethnic elderly, according to the first report of a major Europe-wide research project, covering ten countries, into the problems of ageing and ethnicity. Launched at the European Parliament, Brussels, on 8 May, the report Minority Elderly Care in Europe shows how,

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Inquiry into the death of David ‘Rocky’ Bennett begins

The public part of the inquiry into the death of David ‘Rocky’ Bennett began this week. Rocky Bennett, a 38-year-old Black man, was certified dead in the early hours of Saturday 31 October 1998. He had been a detained patient in the Norvic Clinic, an NHS medium secure unit in Norwich, for three years. His

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Tough questions at Climbie meeting

Norman Tutt, Director of Social Services at Ealing Council, faced hostile questioning at a public meeting organised to discuss the public inquiry into the death of Victoria Climbié. Around fifty people attended the meeting held at Ealing Town Hall on 9 December 2002, which was preceded by a vigil on Ealing Broadway. The event was

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Austerity hits migrants first

One of the principal concerns European campaigners are airing at alternative rallies during the Intergovernmental Conference in Amsterdam is the need to preserve the welfare state from draconian austerity packages in the run-up to the signing of the new Maastricht Treaty. But across Europe, migrant workers, many of them long resident, with children born here,

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Deadly silence: black deaths in custody (introduction)

One death is a death too many. Too many of us* have died without cause, since first we came to work for this country in the post-war years, in the custody of the police, the prison system and the special hospitals. Or if cause there be, common to all three, it is the racist bias

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