
Claudia Jones and the ‘West Indian Gazette’

Below is an edited version of an article that appears in the current issue of Race & Class. Contrary to popular belief, London carnival did not start in Notting Hill at the end of the 1960s, neither was the West Indian World the first Black newspaper in Britain. And it is appropriate, in a year

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A timely new educational resource

Anyone who wants to know why attitudes towards refugee children are changing should consult Shared Futures. ‘Shared Futures’ is a new DVD and education resource pack developed by the charity Salusbury WORLD (funded by Comic Relief). It is aimed at all practitioners working to support the integration of young refugees and asylum seekers, whether teachers,

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Teachers – we need your help!

Do you teach citizenship, history or PSHE at key stages 3 or 4? The Institute of Race Relations is developing a downloadable teaching resource for the citizenship, history and PSHE curricula. The resource will be centred on the life stories of five anti-racist campaigners in Britain from the last 50 years and will explore the

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London unions sever all links with Rise Festival

A number of London unions have severed all links with the London Mayor’s Rise Festival. The Rise Festival, established following the murder of Stephen Lawrence and organised by the TUC, was known as the Respect anti-racist festival. The idea was taken up by Ken Livingstone, who changed the name from Respect to Rise and held

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Gypsy Roma Traveller history month

After many years of hard work and lobbying, the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) has finally announced that the month of June will be Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month. This will be an annual event. In order to mark this momentous occasion, the Irish Traveller Movement in Britain (ITMB) a national charity that

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Nativism vs integration

IRR director contextualises the new report, Islamophobia, integration and civil rights in Europe at its launch on 14 May. To borrow a phrase from another time, a spectre is haunting Europe – only, this time, it is the spectre of nativism. And, this time, it is being made flesh by the policies, propaganda, and plain

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Gathering memorabilia on the IRR

This year, the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) will be celebrating its fiftieth birthday. Are you a former IRR member, staff or Council member? Do you have any photos, leaflets, or other documents relating to the early history of the Institute of Race Relations from 1952 to 1972 which you could donate or loan to

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Race history made thirty-six years ago

A member of the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) recalls the events of 1972 which changed the terms of the race relations debate. On a balmy evening thirty-six years ago, a motley crew of suited businessmen, Black power activists, academics, journalists, community activists, members of the Lords and Commons and tellers from the Electoral Reform

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Document on student extremism seriously flawed

New policies being recommended to prevent extremism on campuses are aimed at the wrong target and could promote division and fear within the student body. There are times in life – and politics – that you encounter a straightforward lie. Saddam Hussein has nuclear weapons. The local council is giving asylum seekers free mobile phones.

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Teaching Black history: the struggle continues

In a lecture delivered to members of the Black and Asian Studies Association, one of its founders deplores the ethnocentrism and racism in education and society. The Black and Asian Studies Association (BASA) was formed in 1991 with the aim of encouraging research and disseminating information on the history of Black peoples in Britain. (By

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