
Race hate crimes – collateral damage of Covid-19?

In this wide-ranging and disturbing interview, Suresh Grover and Dorothea Jones[1] describe how a combination of Covid-19-linked racism, the ‘Blame China’ narrative and lockdown social distancing measures, are impacting on the caseload of The Monitoring Group; and reflect on the weak responses from the multiple agencies that should be assisting. Liz Fekete: The Guardian has

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Calendar of racism and resistance (25 March – 8 April 2020)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe News stories related to coronavirus have been compiled in a separate calendar, view here. ASYLUM AND MIGRATION ASYLUM AND MIGRATION RIGHTS 25 March: In response to a Law Commission report published in January, which recommended the simplification of the ‘overly complex and

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Coronavirus – a round up of race and civil liberties issues

Below we publish a round up of race and civil liberties issues related to coronavirus in the UK and Europe. See our regular calendar of racism and resistance here.  ASYLUM AND MIGRATION 21 March: A group of migrant justice organisations including the Public Interest Law Centre, Project 17 and Migrants’ Rights Network write an open

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Calendar of racism and resistance (11 – 25 March 2020)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe News stories related to coronavirus have been compiled in a separate calendar, view here. ASYLUM AND MIGRATION Asylum and migration rights 10 March: The Guardian reports on a former British army sergeant whose two sons are England rugby internationals, who

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Calendar of racism and resistance (26 February – 11 March 2020)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe ASYLUM AND MIGRATION Asylum and migration rights 1 March: As the 3million, a group representing EU citizens in the UK, and other campaigners claim that vulnerable people are still ‘struggling to apply’ to the EU settlement scheme, and that

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The criminalisation of identity in Prevent and anti-gangs initiatives

Join us for an important seminar that will explore the criminalisation of identity in Prevent and anti-gangs initiatives.  Speakers will discuss a) the ways Prevent and anti-gangs initiatives, used in schools youth centres and beyond, pathologise and criminalise working-class black youth and Muslims and b) how this structural racism suppresses expressions of multiculturalism, forcing conformity

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Joint Enterprise Demonstation 25 March

JENGbA will be handing in their Private Members Bill to the House of Commons demading legislation to overturn the hundreds of wrongful convictions under joint enterprise.  Meeting on: 25 March 2020 and 2pm  At: Victorica Coach Station London (nearest tube Victoria) more information: find more information about JENGbA’s work at the website for more information

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Calendar of racism and resistance (12-26 February 2020)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe ASYLUM AND MIGRATION Asylum and migration rights 11 February: Italy’s senate lifts League leader Matteo Salvini’s immunity from prosecution, ensuring he will face trial on charges of false imprisonment arising from the standoff last year when he prevented the

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‘I’d rather be dead than poor’: knife crime in London

How can the Mayor of London’s approach to knife crime work, when the structural causes of knife crime are not being fully addressed? A review of recent government and GLA initiatives. The number of knife and gang-related homicides in London has surged since 2014. And young black men are overrepresented as victims and perpetrators of

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