Movement against xenophobia conference

MAX (movement against xenophobia)’s first conference, a place for progressive thinkers to come together, discuss and act on immigration.  Saturday 15 March 2014, 10am-6pm Vernon Square Campus, SOAS, University of London, Penton Rise, London WC1X 9EW Speakers include: Sarah Teather MP Philippe Legrain – author and economist Professor Des Freedman – Media Studies, Goldsmiths College Alison Harvey – Immigration Law

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Public lecture on migrants, the media and the law

A public lecture hosted by the Haldane Society on how the political and media demonisation of migrants affects the rule of law. Thursday 13 March 2014, 6.30pm University of Law, 14 Store Street, London WC1E 7DE Speakers include: Frances Webber – honorary Vice-President of the Haldane Society and Vice Chair of the IRR Jon Burnett – assistant

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NCADC workshop

A workshop on campaigning for the right to remain for people facing deportation. Saturday 1 March 2014, 11-2pm Carnegie Library, 188 Herne Hill Road, London SE24 0AG

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Save legal aid

A demonstration to save legal aid from the proposed cuts. Friday 7 March 2014, 10am Old Palace Yard, London SW1 Speakers include: Shami Chakrabarty – Liberty Paddy Hill – Birmingham 6 Related links Download a flyer for the event here

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Funeral and memorial for Buzz Johnson

Funeral and memorial for Buzz Johnson. Saturday 1 March 2014, 1pm All Saint’s Church, Haggerston Road, Hackney, London E8 4EP Followed by a reception/gathering in his honour at 3.30pm at the West Indian Cultural  Centre, 9 Clarendon Road, Hornsey London N8 0DJ RELATED LINKS Read an IRR News obituary: Buzz Johnson: 1951 – 2014

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The uses of extremism

A meeting organised by the International State Crime Initiative (ISCI) and the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) looks at the current discourse on extremism and challenges and its underlying assumptions. Does the concept of extremism help us to make sense of political violence? Or does it distract us from the causes of conflict and lead

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Set her free: shine a light

A peaceful gathering to demand the release of refugee women and to shine a light on Yarl’s Wood and indefinite detention in the UK. Thursday 13 February 2014, 6pm Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF Bring torches, candles and bike lights. Speakers include: Meltem Avcil (ex-detainee and campaigner) Kate Smurthwaite (comedian and activist)

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Launch of new campaign against police surveillance

A meeting to launch a new campaign opposing police surveillance of anti-racist and other activists. Thursday 27 February 2014, 6.30pm Diskus Conference Centre, Unite House, 128 Theobald’s Road, London WC1x 8TN Speakers: Doreen Lawrence Imran Khan – solicitor Lois Austin – Youth Against Racism in Europe Harriet Wistrich – solicitor Dave Smith – Blacklist Support Group Robbie

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Stop police killings!

A demonstration demanding an end to police violence.   Tuesday, 11 February 2014, 6pm Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London SW2 1RW RELATED LINKS Brixton Black Revolutionary Socialists Brixton Rebels London Campaign Against Police and State Violence    

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Dale Farm solidarity protest

A demonstration in support of Dale Farm residents facing an eviction court case. Tuesday 4 February 2014, 10.30am Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2N 5HX RELATED LINKS Traveller Solidarity Network 

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