‘Po Po’ film screening

A screening of ‘Po Po’, a film about the death of Jason McPherson in police custody, followed by a Q&A with his sister Samantha Patterson and director Ken Fero. Saturday 26 April 2014, 2.30pm The Tabernacle, 35 Powis Square, London W11 2AY Related links Migrant Media UFFC

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Deaths in detention: are lessons being learned?

The AGM of the Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees highlighting the rising number of deaths in immigration detention. Wednesday 14 May 2014, 6.15-8.30pm Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LJ Speakers include: Deborah Coles – Inquest Nigel Newcomen – Prison and Probation Ombudsman Related links Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees INQUEST

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Framing the death of Mark Duggan

As the family of Mark Duggan launch a judicial review of the inquest verdict, IRR News examines the wider context of the death. On 4 August 2011, Mark Duggan got out of a taxi on Ferry Lane in Tottenham and was shot dead by armed police: within hours, stories about a dramatic ‘shootout’, a ‘violent

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March for the wrongly imprisoned

The Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association Campaign (JENGbA) is marching for those ‘wrongly imprisoned’. Saturday 3 May 2014 London: assemble at 10am at Chelsea College of Art and Design, 16 John Islip Street, London SW1P 4JU Manchester: assemble 12pm at Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester M1 Related links View a flyer JENGbA JENGbA on Twitter JENGbA

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Migrant Voice’s documentary launch

The launch of The Faces of Our City: Stories of Migration Past and Present followed by a panel discussion. Thursday 24 April 2014, 6-8pm Europe House, 32 Smith Square London SW1P 3EU The documentary launch is followed by a panel discussion on the upcoming European elections: Can migrants’ engagement in the European elections shift the

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‘Never ever, never ever give up’

A reflection on deaths that took place on 15 April 1989 and the state’s response. As a teenager I watched the Hillsborough tragedy unfold on the telly. It was a Saturday afternoon and my sisters and I were doing our chores or homework. I remember one of my sisters calling us and we crowded around

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Roma Nation Day

A march to parliament on Roma Nation Day in protest against pan-European anti-Roma racism. Monday 7 April 2013, 12pm, march begins at 3.30pm Assemble at St. John’s Church, 73 Waterloo Rd, Southwark, London SE1 8UD

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Medical Justice training day

A one day course for medics who visit or assist immigration detainees. Saturday 29 March 2014 10.30am-5.30pm Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LJ RELATED LINKS Full details on the Medical Justice website

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Press conference on institutionalised racism and covert policing

The Institute of Race Relations will host a press conference with German lawyers in the trial of the neo-Nazi cell the National Socialist Underground (NSU). Monday 24 March 2014, 9am IRR, 2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS Speakers include: Liz Fekete – Director of Institute of Race Relations Suresh Grover – head of the London Race &

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