
Two suspicious Black deaths in south London

The family of a Black man who died after being arrested by Brixton police is appealing for witnesses to come forward. On 21 August, 40-year-old Sean Rigg was arrested, according to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) which investigates deaths in custody, on suspicion of public order offences and alleged assault on a police officer

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Gone too far!

An award-winning play by first-time playwright Bola Agbaje, Gone too far!, explores Black identity in a clever, funny and very entertaining way. ‘Nigeria, England, America, Jamaica; are you proud of where you’re from? Dark-skinned, light-skinned, Afro, weaves, who are your true brothers and sisters? When two brothers from different continents go down the street to

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Pupils speak in support of Kamal Begi

Students at an east London school are hoping against hope that their campaign will stop the deportation of their Afghani classmate, Kamal Begi. Kamal Begi, a Brampton Manor student, and his uncle have lost all their appeals for asylum and are under threat of deportation, despite having lived in the UK for over six years.

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London unions sever all links with Rise Festival

A number of London unions have severed all links with the London Mayor’s Rise Festival. The Rise Festival, established following the murder of Stephen Lawrence and organised by the TUC, was known as the Respect anti-racist festival. The idea was taken up by Ken Livingstone, who changed the name from Respect to Rise and held

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Three recent Black deaths in Met police custody

An investigation has been launched after the death of 23-year-old Ayodeji Awogboro in the custody of the Metropolitan police on 11 May. According to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), which is conducting its own investigation into his death, police followed his car after he allegedly failed to stop at a red traffic light on

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Protest against Daily Express’ attacks on Muslims

Protestors gathered outside the London offices of the Daily Express today to demand an end to anti-Muslim articles. In recent years, the Daily Express newspaper has frequently published inflammatory articles on asylum seekers, migrants and Muslims. The newspaper regularly carries front page headlines such as ‘Christmas is banned; it offends Muslims’, ‘Now Muslims get their

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Documentary film production workshops

A new film course is being offered for aspiring documentary-makers. Multi award-winning film-maker Ken Fero is leading a course in documentary film-making for people in Wood Green. It will teach the process of film making from initial idea through to pre-production, shooting and editing. A short documentary film will be made and screened in a

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Rebels and trouble makers

A controversial exhibition of portraits of people, whose courage, bloody mindedness and instinct for rebellion, have enhanced London’s radical tradition, has opened at City Hall. To accompany artist Jolie Goodman’s four portraits – of Walter Wolfgang, Camilla Batmanghelidjh, Helen John and Brian Haw – are specially-commissioned photos from the East London Photographers Group. Doreen Lawrence,

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IRR News develops new ‘learning the lessons’ workshops

Practical workshops, learning from past struggles against racism, are being organised by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) for newly arrived refugee/asylum seeker and migrant groups. Because of the success of the conference and a series of seminars held in 2006 and demand from new user groups, the IRR has received funding to run a

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Against the great defeat of the world

John Berger, internationally recognised as one of the most influential writers of the last fifty years, is appearing in London next week to give a rare and exclusive reading from his new novel: From A to X. The event, hosted by Race & Class, is taking place on Thursday 4 October at the New Theatre,

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