
Fast track to despair

Detention Action has published new research examining the detention of male asylum seekers at Harmondsworth immigration removal centre and the injustices of the ‘outdated’ detained fast track system. The report, Fast Track to Despair: the unnecessary detention of asylum seekers, examines the gap between the conditions of the asylum system when it was established in

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Heathrow death preventable?

Kirsten Heaven, a barrister at Garden Court Chambers, writes about the inquest into the death of Jianping Liu, who died at Heathrow airport hours after being released from police custody. Jianping Liu, a Chinese national had settled in the UK with her husband and died at Heathrow airport on 12 November 2009 after jumping from

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Death of Smiley Culture galvanises community

A week after Smiley Culture died following a police raid at his home on 15 March 2011 hundreds of people gathered in Brixton for a meeting organised by the family of the reggae artist. Smiley Culture (aka David Emmanuel) died from a stab wound following a dawn raid on his home in Warlingham, Surrey by

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London voluntary sector funding cuts flawed

Last week the High Court ruled that London Councils had failed to meet their statutory equality duties when cutting the funding of 200 voluntary and community groups. Pierce Glynn solicitors on behalf of the Roma Support Group took the judicial review in which the judge quashed the funding decisions and the London Councils were ordered

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Giuseppe Conlon House opens in London

A new London Catholic Worker project offering hospitality to refugees and other vulnerable people has opened in East London. Named Giuseppe Conlon House, wrongfully imprisoned as a member of the Maguire Seven in 1975 and father of the Guildford Four’s Gerry Conlon, the house has already been functioning as a refuge for undocumented migrants in

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Demonstration in memory of Jimmy Mubenga

A demonstration in memory of Angolan man Jimmy Mubenga who died after being restrained during a forced deportation earlier this month. Friday 12 November 2010, 10.30am Angolan Embassy, 22 Dorset Street, London W1U 6QY (nearest tube stations: Baker Street/ Marylebone) to march to the Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF Related links Download

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Two men suffer injuries after immigration raid

This week, two men thought to be Pakistani, suffered injuries and were taken to hospital following an immigration raid by the UK Border Agency (UKBA) in Balham, South London. A UKBA spokesperson told IRR News: ‘During a UKBA enforcement operation on Balham High Road, two individuals attempted to escape and suffered minor injuries’. The Fire

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Book now for places on IRR’s training workshops

The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) is running a series of training workshops during March, April and May for voluntary sector organisations working on race/refugee or migrant issues. The free half-day practical workshops on fundraising, the media, immigration and racial violence will allow for the exchange of information and provide practical suggestions for effective campaigning.

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London demos against border control and surveillance

London No Borders is holding a day of demonstrations in London to protest against border controls and increasing domestic surveillance. Under the banner ‘Life is too short to be controlled’, the demonstrations will begin on Saturday 23 January at 2pm at St Pancras International to protest at the border controls at the Eurostar Terminal, where

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Death of Chinese woman at Heathrow under investigation

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has begun an investigation into the death of a Chinese woman following her release from custody after being arrested at Heathrow airport. According to an IPCC press release, in the early hours of the morning of Thursday 12 November, 35-year-old Jianping Liu was arrested as a suspected overstayer in

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