Racism, police and the state

A meeting for trade unionists aiming to expose the relationship between racism, police and the state. Monday, 12 March 2012, 7pm Friends House, 173-177 Euston Road, London, London NW1 2BJ Speaking: Janet Alder – Christopher Alder Campaign Sam Rigg-David – Sean Rigg Justice and Change Campaign Paddy Hill – Birmingham Six Gerry Conlon – Guildford

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Community wrecker of the year award

Tony Ball, leader of Basildon council, was nominated for two very different awards for his role in the eviction of Travellers from Dale Farm. The eviction of hundreds of the Dale Farm Travellers last October was a mass, state-sanctioned programme of enforced homelessness. More than eighty families were forced from a piece of land which

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Stop deportations public meeting

A meeting to make links with organisations in Peckham to help build a movement against the detention and deportation of migrants. Saturday 25 February 2012, 3-5pm Peckham Library, second floor, 122 Peckham Hill Street, London SE15 5JR Related links London No Borders Stop Deportation Network

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Defending human rights defenders

A conference bringing together international human rights defenders. Friday 24 February 2012, 8.30am-8pm The Human Rights Action Centre, 17-25 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EA Workshops include: Criminalisation and victimisation Censorship and media attacks Repression by non-state actors Marginalised and contested rights Related links Download a programme here. Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers Amnesty International

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Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks

The launch of Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks (MAMA), a project providing support to victims and witnesses of anti-Muslim hate crime, recording incidents and highlighting the scale of attacks. Tuesday 21 February 2012, 1.30pm Central London venue Related links Faith Matters

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Arts and activism, culture and resistance

The seventh annual Huntley conference will explore the use of the arts as a form of cultural resistance. Saturday 18 February 2012, 10-4.30pm London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London EC1R 0HB Speakers include: Colin Prescod – Institute of Race Relations Winston Trew Roshini Kempadoo – Fowokan George Kelly Jean Joseph

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No Borders Convergence

Three days of workshops and plenaries followed by three days of action. Monday 13 February to Saturday 18 February 2012 Goldsmiths College, New Cross, London SE14 Monday 13 February 10.30-1.30pm: Deportations with contributions from National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns, International Federation of Iraqi Refugees, Goldsmiths, Rutvica Andrijasevic and Stop Deportation Network 2.30-4.30pm: Migrant worker and

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Crimes of violence and honour

How can the law foster good race and community relations and at the same time ensure that the rights of all women are protected under human rights and equality law? Monday 6 February 2012, 6-8pm Doughty Street Chambers, 54 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LS Speakers: Aileen McColgan – Kings College London Pragna Patel – Southhall

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