Press Release

Deporting Muslim clerics: lessons from Europe

The proposal, to deport Muslim clerics whose words foment violence or glorify terrorism (as indicated by Blair) is already being applied in other European countries. A report by the Institute of Race Relations on ‘the Integration Debate’ in Europe shows how deportations for ‘speech crimes’ has set back community relations and led to serious human

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Victim of racist attack facing charges

Campaigners are calling for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to drop charges of assault and affray against Eileen Jia, whose partner, Mi Gao Huang Chen, was attacked and murdered by a gang of youths after facing a sustained campaign of racism at their Chinese restaurant in Wigan. On 23 April 2005, Mi Gao Huang

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Fate of Sukula family in the hands of Bolton Council after lost appeal

Pressure is mounting on Bolton Council, from national and local organisations, not to force an asylum-seeking family into homelessness and take their children into care under new government measures. In the first test of new legislation, which provides for the withdrawal of all support from ‘failed’ asylum-seeking families, the Sukula family lost their appeal at

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The racist backlash to the London bombings continues

Across the UK, serious violent racial attacks are still on the increase, as are incidents of persistent ‘low-level’ harrassment – of people, their homes, and businesses. 10 August 2005: A Muslim woman tells BBC Wales how a man abused her and her family and threw stones at her home; breaking a window. (BBC News 10.8.05)

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Anti-Muslim backlash goes on

A month after the London bombings, police forces across the country are reporting rising levels of racial incidents. 4 August 2005: Police in Scotland report a rise in racial incidents by nearly a third; Tayside police report the largest increase of 70 per cent. (Scotsman 4.8.05) 4 August 2005: Metropolitan police announce that religious hate

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Forty-seven race murders in Britain since Macpherson

Figures released today by the Institute of Race Relations show that there have been forty-seven murders with a known or suspected racial element since the publication of the Macpherson report in February 1999. With its similarities to the murder of Stephen Lawrence, the racist murder of Anthony Walker in Huyton, Liverpool, on 30 July 2005

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Anti-Muslim backlash intensifies

The anti-Muslim backlash has intensified in the three weeks following the London bombings. Muslim organisations monitoring attacks report that the numbers are increasing rapidly. According to the Islamic Human Rights Commission they have risen thirteen-fold since 7 July. The Muslim Safety Forum reports that ‘faith-related’ attacks in London have risen by 500 per cent since

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