
Southall Black Sisters threatened by withdrawal of funds

Southall Black Sisters (SBS), a long-standing domestic violence support group serving BME women, is facing possible closure after having key funding withdrawn from the Conservative-run, Ealing Council. Despite the fact that SBS has received national and international recognition for the support it has given Black and Asian women in West London over the course of

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A human rights framework and the fight for race equality

After a Human Rights Awareness event which included discussion with the British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) the director of Oldham Race Equality Partnership was provoked into making observations about the implications of a human rights framework in the fight for race equality. There is an enormous momentum at the moment towards submerging local race

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Cultural cleansing?

As concern mounts about the rise of Islamophobia in Europe, the Winter 2008 issue of the Institute of Race Relations’ European Race Bulletin provides a snapshot of the mosaic of campaigns against Muslim places of worship and religious symbols across Europe. Issue no. 62 of the European Race Bulletin includes information on: Over thirty local

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Indefinite detention of four Algerian men unlawful

Four Algerian men, each detained for between eleven and seventeen months whilst they awaited deportation, have been released following a landmark ruling which found that their detention was unlawful. This case has significance for those large numbers of detainees who continue to remain detained unnecessarily, and possibly unlawfully, for long periods. This form of indefinite

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Campaigners celebrate acquittal of Harmondsworth 4

Last Friday, 22 February 2008, campaigners celebrated outside the London offices of Kalyx,[1] the firm that runs the Harmondsworth detention centre, after four men were acquitted of charges in connection with a disturbance at the centre in November 2006. The jury at Southwark Crown Court, after deliberating for days, found the four men not guilty

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Celebrating 50 years of the IRR

This year, the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) will be 50 years old. It is the longest established race body in the UK. Over its fifty years, the IRR has pioneered research into racial violence, policing of Black communities, school exclusions, deaths in custody, xeno-racism and, through Race & Class, set new parameters for understanding

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Human rights activist faces deportation to Cameroon

An asylum seeker who campaigns for human rights is facing deportation after nine years of living and working in the UK. Former University of London student Guy Njike was detained at an immigration reporting centre on 11 February after going to report under bail conditions. He was told his application for asylum had been rejected

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Protest against Daily Express’ attacks on Muslims

Protestors gathered outside the London offices of the Daily Express today to demand an end to anti-Muslim articles. In recent years, the Daily Express newspaper has frequently published inflammatory articles on asylum seekers, migrants and Muslims. The newspaper regularly carries front page headlines such as ‘Christmas is banned; it offends Muslims’, ‘Now Muslims get their

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Documentary film production workshops

A new film course is being offered for aspiring documentary-makers. Multi award-winning film-maker Ken Fero is leading a course in documentary film-making for people in Wood Green. It will teach the process of film making from initial idea through to pre-production, shooting and editing. A short documentary film will be made and screened in a

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