
Campaigning victory for Sukula famliy

Three years after contacting IRR News and launching their anti-deportation campaign, the Sukula family have won indefinite leave to remain in the UK. Daniel Sukula, then aged 15 and living in Bolton, wrote to IRR News in 2005 telling of his fears of being deported. ‘I am writing this because me and my family face

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Death in Pentonville prison

IRR News has learnt that, on 30 March 2008, a man detained under immigration powers was found hanged at Pentonville prison. Alfredo Castano-Fuentes, 24, was found hanged in his cell during a routine cell inspection. Attempts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful and he was pronounced dead. Alfredo had served a one-year sentence for possessing a

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Conference on sub-Saharan African migrants stranded in Morocco

The first conference to discuss what can be done to help Sub-Saharan migrants in transit in Morocco was held this week in London. The Moroccan NGO, Association Beni Znassen pour la culture (ABCDS), with support from the Migrants Rights Network, launched its European-wide campaign to raise awareness about the plight of sub-Saharan African migrants in

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Demonstration with Zimbabweans in Nottingham

No Borders Nottingham and the Zimbabwean community will be demonstrating in favour of asylum rights and against the Mugabe regime on the day of the Zimbabwean election. Saturday 29 March 2008 Assemble at 2pm at Market Square, Nottingham Related links No Borders – Nottingham

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Racial violence in Ireland

Despite a rise of serious racial attacks, authorities in Ireland are still in denial about racism. The events of the last month have been sobering for anti racism and social justice in Ireland. On 22 February two young Polish workers Marius Szwajkos and Pawel Kalite, who had been in Ireland for just a year, were

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Flat Earth News

A telling new book on the methods of modern journalism. The business of reporting the truth has been slowly subverted by the mass production of ignorance. Award-winning Guardian journalist Nick Davies’ scintillating exposé of the corruption of much of what today passes as journalism begins with this stark warning. It continues at a rapid pace,

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Reportage defence could be vital

In February 2008, the House of Lords upheld an Appeal Court ruling made last summer in favour of the anti-fascist Searchlight magazine, which has important implications for anti-racist campaigners. ‘Searchlight’ had carried articles throughout the spring and summer of 2003 reporting with some glee on the faction fighting within the BNP and allegations and counter-allegations

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Shame on the BBC

Below we reproduce a letter of complaint from a historian to the BBC about its programme Rivers of Blood – part of the BBC 2 ‘White season’. ‘I write to complain in the strongest terms possible about last night’s Rivers of Blood documentary shown on BBC 2. The documentary’s position on Enoch Powell was irresponsible,

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Rehabilitating Enoch Powell

This week, BBC 2 begins a controversial ‘White season’ which asks ‘is white working class Britain becoming invisible?’ and includes a programme by Denys Blakeway on Enoch Powell’s Rivers of Blood intervention forty years ago. IRR’s director, A. Sivanandan, contributed to the programme ‘Rivers of Blood’ due to be shown on 8 March at 9pm

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