
‘British handcuffs, the handcuffs of freedom’

We publish the extraordinary testimony of an asylum seeker from the Congo Republic ‘Laurent Mpinde’ who is fighting to stay in the UK and cannot give his real name. Laurent Mpinde, who was studying sports science in Brazzaville and teaching in schools and colleges, was interviewed last year by Jeremy Seabrook researching the book, The

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New immigration code does not fully protect children

The UK Border Agency (UKBA) Code of Practice on Children will not adequately protect children from the harm caused by immigration procedures. The new Code of Practice for Keeping Children Safe from Harm, unveiled by the UK Border Agency on 6 January, was met with scepticism by refugee groups and practitioners. The Code follows the

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Brutal deaths have racial element

In three recent murder cases there are elements to suggest that the ethnicity of the victim was a factor in the violence used. These cases may therefore fall within the IRR’s definition of a racist murder.[1] Three Asian men jailed for revenge attack In the case of the killing of Meshack Brown, the judge clearly

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Queen’s Speech brings gloom for migrants

This is a revised version of the article posted on the IRR website on 5 December 2008. The government’s proposals to strengthen border controls are set to further dehumanise immigration law and make a merry mess of the path to citizenship. The Queen’s Speech at the state opening of parliament on 3 December referred briefly

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Speaking up for young people

An interview with 13-year-old Asiya Hassan, a member of the Bristol City Academy steering committee that organised a forum on the detention of asylum-seeking children. What made you decide to organise ‘Time for Questions’? Several months ago, some friends and I organised a one-day conference in Easton Community Centre on the issue of children in

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Pioneering a new educational forum

A debate on asylum-seeking children organised by students from Bristol’s City Academy, in which the IRR played an active role, could provide a model for schools. Most people in the UK will have heard of ‘Question Time’, the televised debate in which politicians and public figures are questioned by a studio audience about issues in

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Press Release

IRR refutes BNP’s claims on racist murders

The Institute of Race Relations has today issued a statement on the BNP’s misuse of its figures on racially motivated murders. The Institute of Race Relations, an educational charity, refutes absolutely the claim made by the British National Party on its website and in its leaflet ‘Racism cuts both ways’ that the IRR’s figures reveal

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Refuge and fortress: a tale of two cultures

We publish below the talk by Jeremy Seabrook launching his new book on the struggles of newly arrived refugees commissioned by the Council for Assisting Refugee Academics (CARA). ‘It has been a privilege to meet a new generation of academic refugees assisted by CARA. It needed great courage for many of them to speak publicly

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Hope for Zimbabwean asylum seekers

There is new hope for Zimbabwean asylum seekers following a legal judgement on the risks of returning Zimbabweans to potential persecution and to a desperate humanitarian situation. For years, the situation in Zimbabwe has been at crisis point, both politically and in simple humanitarian terms. Mugabe and his ZANU-PF war veteran cronies have bullied, harassed

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