Campsfield: 18 years too long

A demonstration to mark 18 years since the opening of Campsfield House removal centre. Saturday 26 November 2011, 12-2pm Campsfield House removal centre main gates, Langford Lane, Kidlington OX5 1RE Speakers include former detainee and migrant worker. Bring music, placards and banners. After the demo there will be a Barbed Wire Britain Network get-together at

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St Andrew’s Day anti-racism march and rally

An annual anti-racism rally organised by Scottish Trades Union Congress. Saturday 26 November 2011 Assemble at 10.30am Glasgow Green, to march to a rally at Glasgow Film Theatre, Rose Street, Glasgow G3 6RB Related links Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) Download a flyer here (pdf file, 84kb)

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Racism: on the pitch but off the agenda

What should we make of recent allegations of racism in football? Until recently, the narrative on racism in English football resembled something of a self-congratulatory redemption story. The forms of racist abuse that were explicit in the 1980s – fans throwing bananas at black players, spitting at them when they took a throw-in, making monkey-noises

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No dawn raids protest

A protest against the recommencement of dawn raids in Glasgow. Monday 21 November 2011, from 10am Festival Court, Brand Street, Glasgow G51 1DH Related links Unity Centre Glasgow Facebook event: Protest Dawn Raids & Child Detention Download a flyer (pdf file, 72kb)

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Student Action for Refugees national conference

STAR’s annual national student conference on campaigning for asylum seekers and refugees. Saturday-Sunday 19-20 November 2011 Freedom from Torture, 111 Isledon Road, Islington, London N7 7JW The conference includes: Speakers Workshops A ‘Question Time’ panel Poster displays An exhibition of photographs from refugee women Related links Student Action for Refugees

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Anti-deportation campaign training

A free anti-deportation campaign training session. Friday 18 November 2011, 10-4pm The Space Project, 37-38 Mabgate Green, Leeds Training includes an up-to-date briefing on the asylum and immigration system, as it exists today, as well as in-depth training on the key aspects of running anti-deportation campaigns. Related links The Space Project National Coalition of Anti-Deportation

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Polling with pride

A researcher takes issue with the idea that one can assess the strength of rightwing extremism by polling attitudes of its members. In the Dark Ages of the 1970s and 1980s we knew who our fascist enemies were – we judged groups like the National Front and the National Party in terms of their deeds

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Seminar on unlawful detention

A seminar for psychiatrists and psychologists on preparing medico-legal reports in unlawful detention cases. Wednesday 16 November 2011, 6pm Central London, venue to be confirmed Seminar led by: Jed Pennington – Bhatt Murphy Solicitors Hamish Arnott – Bhatt Murphy Solicitors Related links Medical Justice Bhatt Murphy Solicitors

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