Behind closed doors

A meeting on ten years of secret evidence and hidden suffering. Monday 19 December 2011, 6pm London Muslim Centre, 46 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1JX Speakers: Gareth Peirce – human rights lawyer Jean Lambert – MEP Green Party Anas Altikriti – Cordoba Foundation Bruce Kent – Pax Christi Asim Qureshi – Cageprisoners Related links Coalition

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Traveller Solidarity Network meeting

The second Traveller Solidarity Network national meeting. Sunday 18 December 2011, 10am-5.30pm Brunei Gallery, SOAS, 10 Thornhaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG Agenda includes: Updates from local groups and on the Localism Bill Working groups Network building Prioritising for the year ahead Related links Traveller Solidarity Network

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City of Sanctuary Glasgow world ceilidh

An event focused on building a culture of hospitality for people seeking sanctuary. Friday 16 December 2011, 12-4pm Garnethill Multicultural Centre, 21 Rose Street, Glasgow G3 6RE Includes: Discussion groups Storytelling Food Music Related links City of Sanctuary Glasgow

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Cardiff cabbies to strike over violence

A mass strike is being threatened by Cardiff taxi drivers next week, in protest against the routine racism, abuse and violence that cabbies face and indifference by the police and local council. According to the chairman of the Cardiff Hackney Association (CHA), Mathab Khan, 731 CHA members could walk out next Friday, amid claims police

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A tale of two cities

Recent outrages in Liège and Florence have received very different media interest. On the same day and just hundreds of miles apart ‘a lone gunman’ struck – at Liège’s Christmas market in Belgium and in Florence’s central squares on 13 December. In both cases they appear to have been completely unprovoked random attacks on innocent

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The Meaning of Waiting

Victoria Brittain will be talking about her play ‘The Meaning of Waiting’ about the experience of women of the war on terror in Britain. Tuesday 13 December 2011, 6.30-8.30pm IHRC Bookshop, Gallery and Information Centre, 202 Preston Road, Wembley HA9 8PA Related links Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC)

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An African in Elizabethan England

A seminar by Miranda Kaufmann. Tuesday 13 December 2011, 6-7.30pm University of London Stewart House, 32 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DN Speaker: Miranda Kaufmann Related links Black and Asian Studies Association Institute of Commonwealth Studies

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Training for asylum and immigration campaigners

A chance to find out what is effective, share experiences and improve local responses. Saturday 10 December 2011, 1-5pm Community Hall, St. Nicholas of Tolentino Church, Bristol BS5 0RE Training from: Detention Action Corporate Watch The Unity Centre National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns Related links Bristol Refugee Rights Bristol No Borders

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From portrayal to reality: examining the record of the EDL

How can we marry the English Defence League’s professed liberalism with the reality on the ground? There is something of a disjuncture between how the EDL portrays itself as an organisation and how it actually operates. Though it states on its website that ‘[t]he English Defence League (EDL) is a human rights organisation’ that opposes

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