Campaigning for black women’s rights

The Routes to Solidarity’s annual conference to promote migrant and minority women’s activism. Thursday 26 June 2014, 10.30-3.30pm Bangladesh Community Centre, Roundhay Road Oakwood, Leeds, LS8 4AR Workshops: Campaigning skills – how to make your campaign loud, proud and effective! A showcase of an important current campaign and what you can do. Using the Convention

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Child & youth migrants

The third annual UCL Migration Research Unit Student Conference, postgraduates from across disciplines will share their research and contribute to debates in contemporary migration studies. Saturday 14 June 2014, 8.30-6.30pm University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT Topics include: Young migrants’ access to education and healthcare Their treatment by different legal regimes Questions of identity and representation

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Rally against racism

A Movement Against Xenophobia meeting on countering anti-immigrant discourses in the UK. Monday 19 May 2014, 7pm Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London WC1 6QA Speakers include: Natalie Bennett – Green Party Tommy Tomescu – Alliance Against Romanian and Bulgarian Discrimination Jasna Badzak – former UKIP Press Officer Shreya Paudel – International Students Officer, NUS

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Workshops on tackling forced labour

A series of workshops in May 2014, tackling labour exploitation among refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. Manchester – Tuesday 15 May 2014, 10-3pm Leeds – Tuesday 20 May 2014, 10-3pm London – Friday 23 may 2014, 9.30-2.30pm Related links Precarious Lives

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UKIP: legitimised by the media?

John Grayson examines the way UKIP’s messages have been legitimised and in some cases promoted by the media. The self-proclaimed leader of ‘the people’s army’ can relish his victory. Nigel Farage – whose party was once dismissed as a home for fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists – has established himself as a big beast in

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Unabashed anti-migrant, anti-welfare election strategy

The Tories plan a systematic stream of populist measures on migration and welfare benefits in the run up to the election, and there appears to be no opposition. According to the Daily Mail, last month, the Conservative Party’s election strategist Lynton Crosby suggested the party begin producing ‘a new policy to curb immigrants and benefits’

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Press Release

Investigated or ignored?

Today, the Institute of Race Relations publishes a report that shows serious deficiencies in the criminal justice system’s response to race-related killings. Since the publication of the Macpherson report in 1999, into the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence, at least ninety-three people have lost their lives as a result of racially motivated attacks (or attacks

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The Immigration Bill and its impact on children

A briefing session on the immigration bill and how it will affect children, covering restrictions on access to healthcare and housing and the narrowing of appeal rights.   Tuesday 28 January 2014, 4.30pm Committee Room 3, House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW Panel members: Lucy Jones – Doctors of the World Ronan Toal – Garden

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Sheffield’s Roma, David Blunkett and an immoral racist panic[1]

We publish below reflections on the political and media furore surrounding Sheffield’s Roma by long-time South Yorkshire activist. ‘The best recipe for riots is for somebody to stand up and warn of riots.’ (Professor Yaron Matras on Channel 4 News 27 November 2013) On 11 November David Blunkett gave an interview to Radio Sheffield. In

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