
Control orders challenged

In an important ruling for people under control orders, the Supreme Court has recognised that separation from family members can turn internal exile into the equivalent of a prison sentence. On 16 June 2010, the Supreme Court, sitting with seven judges, issued a significant ruling for the rights of people subjected to control orders under

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AI condemns assurances on torture

A new report from Amnesty International explains why diplomatic assurances against torture are worthless. When, in December 2001, parliament approved the indefinite detention of ‘suspected international terrorists’ in the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act, it was persuaded by the then home secretary’s argument that the men could not be deported since the regimes from which

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Only an inquiry will bring trust in Prevent

The government must now launch an independent inquiry into the human rights issues which the Preventing Violent Extremism policy raises. The Institute of Race Relations’ report into the government’s Preventing Violent Extremism programme, published last October, argued that the programme, known simply as Prevent, had undermined community cohesion, alienated those it was meant to be

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Select committee vindicates IRR report on Preventing Violent Extremism

A cross-party group of MPs has concluded that the government’s Preventing Violent Extremism programme, known as Prevent, undermines community cohesion and stigmatises Muslims. In a report published today by the Communities and Local Government parliamentary select committee, Prevent is described as ‘unlikely ever to be fully accepted in its existing form by those it is

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‘This country I came to for refuge for peace …’

Victoria Brittain’s touching new play ‘Waiting’ is based on the hitherto unheard testimonies of women suffering as a result of the war on terror. The verbatim play, shown recently at the Southbank, is based on interviews and conversations carried out by Victoria Brittain over many years with eight women whose lives (and those of their

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Gaza Protesters Defence Campaign launched

A defence campaign is being mounted against the lengthy sentences handed to young Muslims who protested a year ago about Israel’s brutal invasion of Gaza. Twenty-two young people are in prison, convicted of public order offences, as a result of taking part in demonstrations in London in December 2008 and January 2009 following the Israeli

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Five years of control orders

Frances Webber, human rights lawyer, examines Lord Carliles’ report on five years operation of the Prevention of Terrorism Act. Next month sees the fifth anniversary of the control order regime, introduced in haste in March 2005 after the strategy of internment, which applied only to foreign terror suspects, was declared unlawful and discriminatory. Now, control

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Seven paragraphs which tell a sorry tale

The story of the seven paragraphs reveals just how far the ‘war on terror’ has corrupted and distorted ministers’ perception of the public interest. On 10 February 2010, the Court of Appeal overruled the Foreign Secretary’s attempt to keep secret seven paragraphs summarising the British authorities’ awareness of a UK-resident Muslim’s subjection to cruel and

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Section 44 stop and search ruled illegal

A recent landmark ruling at the European Court of Human Rights found that stop-and-search powers under the Terrorism Act 2000 were illegal. Last month, Kevin Gillan and Pennie Quinton won their case at the European Court, after the judges ruled in their favour, concluding that the stop-and-search powers[1] violated the right to respect for private

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Compensation for some, deportation for others?

The High Court’s acknowledgement that control orders based on secret evidence are unlawful, and the possibility of compensation for those affected, doesn’t help those facing deportation on the basis of secret evidence. On 18 January 2010, a High Court judge paved the way for a number of Muslim men who have been subjected to control

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