
Babar Ahmad: capitulation by the European Court?

Is the European Court selling Ahmad out, and the kettled demonstrators before him, for the sake of making peace with a British government determined to get the court off its back? The Strasbourg court’s judgment in Ahmad and others,[1] ruling that the punitive regime in which four of them are likely to spend many years

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X-rays, surveillance and secret justice

X-raying migrant children to determine age and proposals to monitor all communications, as well as the proposed secret justice measures, further target ‘suspect communities’. The pilot x-ray scheme to assess the age of young asylum seekers whose claims to be children are disbelieved, which started at the end of March with virtually no notice, has

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Change the climate of hatred

A statement on the murders in Toulouse and Montauban from the Collective Against Islamophobia in France (CCIF). A murderer has struck down seven people in cold blood, in an organised, premeditated way: three soldiers, two of them Muslims, and a Jewish father and three children, shot at point-blank range. While their families mourn the dead,

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Algerian deportees win important secrecy ruling

For once, the supreme court has offered protection to those facing deportation on national security grounds. We are, unfortunately, all too familiar with the scenario where secret evidence is used against those, almost exclusively Muslims, whom the UK Border Agency (UKBA) seeks to deport for ‘reasons of national security’. But in a landmark ruling[1], the

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Extradition and human rights

A talk on experiences of extradition (including under the European Arrest Warrant) and discussion of recent cases. Tuesday 17 January 2012, 6.30pm College of Law, 14 Store Street, London WC1E 7DE (Goodge St tube) Speakers: Jago Russell – Chief Executive, Fair Trials International Mike Evans – solicitor, Kaim Todner Related links Haldane Society of Socialist

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Behind closed doors

A meeting on ten years of secret evidence and hidden suffering. Monday 19 December 2011, 6pm London Muslim Centre, 46 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1JX Speakers: Gareth Peirce – human rights lawyer Jean Lambert – MEP Green Party Anas Altikriti – Cordoba Foundation Bruce Kent – Pax Christi Asim Qureshi – Cageprisoners Related links Coalition

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The Meaning of Waiting

Victoria Brittain will be talking about her play ‘The Meaning of Waiting’ about the experience of women of the war on terror in Britain. Tuesday 13 December 2011, 6.30-8.30pm IHRC Bookshop, Gallery and Information Centre, 202 Preston Road, Wembley HA9 8PA Related links Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC)

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Protests over Ali Aarrass conviction

Campaigners in London are protesting a conviction based on torture evidence. On Friday 16 December, the Friends of Ali Aarrass London Support Committee will hold a gathering at the Moroccan Embassy where they will hand in a letter of protest at the conviction of the dual Belgian-Moroccan national Ali Aarrass after what his lawyers have

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Collective punishment of families

Local authority and police decisions to seize the homes of family members of those charged in connection with the riots or convicted of terrorist offences punish whole families for one member’s wrongdoing. Evicting rioters’ families In the aftermath of the August riots, Wandsworth Council served an eviction notice on the mother and 8-year-old sister of

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