NCADC campaigning workshop

A training session for campaigning around the asylum and immigration system. Saturday 16 November 2013, 10.30-4.30pm Star and Shadow Cinema, Stepney Bank, Newcastle NE1 2NP Related links NCADC

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La Pirogue

The UK premiere of La Pirogue, a film about a migrant boat journey from Africa to Europe, followed by discussion. Sunday 17 November 2013, 6.30pm Riverside studios, Crisp Road, London W6 9RL Speaking: Hsiao-Hung Pai – author Dr Hein de Haas Related links Migrants’ Rights Network

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Roma voices

A meeting hosted by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Gypsies, Travellers and Roma, on racism and discrimination. Monday 28 October 2013, 5pm House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA RELATED LINKS Europe Roma International Read an IRR News Story: ‘Roma Voices‘.

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Still no protection for asylum seekers

Last week, on 18 October, a fire erupted at Campsfield House detention centre near Oxford. The centre, which can hold up to 216 men, suffered serious damage and those held there were transferred to other removal centres and prisons across the UK. Reports have emerged from the centre that the fire was allegedly started by

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Race, class and the IRR

A session at this year’s Historical Materialism conference on the work of A. Sivanandan, Race & Class and the Institute of Race Relations. Sunday 10 November 2013, 12pm SOAS, 10 Thornhaugh St, London WC1H 0XG Panel includes: Avery Gordon – in conversation with A. Sivanandan (recorded) Jenny Bourne – on revolution and reconstruction Colin Prescod

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An evening of Indian classical music

An evening of music in support of Positive Action in Housing’s Lifeline project for destitute asylum seekers. Friday 1 November 2013, 7.30pm Eastwood Park Theatre, Rouken Glen Road, Giffnock, Glasgow G46 6UG Artists include: Ustad Shahid Parvez Pandit Rajkumar Mishra RELATED LINKS Positive Action in Housing

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Deprivation of citizenship: judges restrain the minister

In a significant ruling last week, the Supreme Court rejected the home secretary’s attempt to revoke the citizenship of a released terrorism suspect, exposing as it did so hypocrisy, illogicality and illegality in the minister’s stance. ‘Possession of nationality is essential for full participation in society and a prerequisite for the enjoyment of the full

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Re-presenting refugees

An exploration of art, displacement and refugees. Wednesday 30 October 2013, 6pm Manchester Museum, University Of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL Event includes: Panel discussion Multimedia experimental performance RELATED LINKS Virtual Migrants Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit Platforma Community Arts North West Street Level Photoworks

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Resisting racist immigration controls

A NCADC, No Borders Leeds and Leeds Unity day of workshops on campaigning for the right to remain. Saturday 26 October 2013, 11-5pm Wharf Chambers, 23-25 Wharf Street, Leeds LS2 7EQ There will be a children’s space and simple lunch provided. Free/donations welcome. Related links NCADC No Borders Leeds Leeds Unity View the Facebook events

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