
Listen to the Refugee’s Story

A new booklet co-published by The Corner House, Ilisu Dam Campaign Refugee Project and Peace in Kurdistan explores how UK foreign investment creates refugees and asylum seekers. This is one of the most exciting and challenging recent books on refugees. Exciting because for the first time groups of Tamil, Kurdish, Somali, Afghan and other refugees

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Indefinite detention without trial upheld

On 28 October 2003, the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) upheld the detention of ten men detained without trial or charge under the Anti Terrorism Crime and Security Act 2001 (ATCSA). In total, sixteen men have been arrested under the ATCSA since it became law on 14 December 2001. The men cannot be deported and

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New deterrent measures for asylum seekers condemned

Measures announced by Home Secretary David Blunkett and Constitutional Minister Lord Falconer on 27 October to reduce further the numbers seeking asylum in Britain have been condemned by refugee groups and human rights lawyers as inhuman, discriminatory and incompatible with the Refugee Convention. The measures include: new criminal offences for those destroying or disposing of

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Australia must release the names of the 353 dead!

On 19 October 2001, 146 children, 142 women and 65 men lost their lives when the small, grossly-overloaded Indonesian fishing boat, in which they were travelling, capsized and sank as they sought to flee persecution in their homelands and rebuild their lives in Australia. Since the time of the sinking many questions have been raised

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Forced deportation of Roma

A well-respected Roma political organiser and twenty-five other Czech Roma are to be deported to the Czech Republic on 25 October, despite the fact that by next May the Czech Republic will be part of the European Union. Ladislav Balaz, chairman of the Trans-European Roma Federation has, like many of the other Roma threatened with

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Freedom Rides Again

Once again people are riding in buses across America to protest against a lack of civil rights. This time it is migrant workers drawing attention to their lack of security and freedom in the US. The Immigrant Workers Freedom Rides are the first ‘freedom rides’ the country has seen since the 1960s. The original freedom

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Stories of Migration

As part of a three-year project entitled Local Stories / Global Times, Birmingham-based Banner Theatre has been working with asylum seekers in Sandwell in the West Midlands and Salford in Greater Manchester to create Migrant Voices, a new piece of multimedia documentary theatre based on their real-life experiences. The show is touring in October during

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Reviewing anti-terrorist laws

The Campaign Against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC) has recently submitted evidence to the Privy Council which is reviewing the Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act 2001. Its submission,Terrorising minority communities: ‘anti-terrorism’ powers, their use and abuse, examines how legislation disproportionately affects refugee and migrant communities and argues that the legislation is undemocratic and discriminatory. The submission contains

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Destitute Iranian dies after suicide protest at refugee charity

Yet another asylum seeker has taken his own life after suffering misery at the hands of the British asylum system. Israfil Shiri had been thrown out of his Salford council flat and been denied benefits, under the government’s tough new rules. He set himself alight last week in the offices of Refugee Action in Manchester

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