Protest against deportation ‘to torture’

On Friday 10 March 2006, a small group of campaigners gathered outside the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) in London to mark the start of hearings to decide whether men can be deported to Algeria. The government has been trying to obtain a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ (MOU), with countries like Algeria and Tunisia, that will

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What future for unaccompanied children?

The government is considering returning unaccompanied children, whose asylum claims have failed, to Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo. But what can be learnt from existing initiatives in countries such as the Netherlands and Spain? It could be that the UK government is seeking to emulate the lead set by other European governments which

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‘The Fleeing Garden’: new anthology published

The organisation Exiled Writers Ink has published a collection of poems and stories by Kurdish writers living in England. The anthology, entitled The Fleeing Garden: Kurdish Exiled Voices brings together writers from a variety of Kurdish backgrounds, and platforms the work of both established and aspiring poets. The variety of subjects explored in the anthology,

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Statement calls for no deportations to Iraq

The Coalition Against Deportations to Iraq has issued a statement calling for no deportations to Iraq and for protection for Iraqi asylum seekers. The statement, which is being supported by MPs, including Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell and organisations, such as the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (CARF), is concerned with the fact that: ‘The

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Begum X must stay

Over three years ago, Begum X fled India from the horrors of a forced marriage and rape. Today she faces deportation following a failed asylum claim. In July 2005, Begum X failed in her final asylum appeal to remain in the UK as a victim of rape and the repercussions of fleeing a forced marriage

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Fortress Europe – effects and consequences of labour migration

Below we reproduce extracts of a speech given by Liz Fekete, the deputy director of the Institute of Race Relations, on ‘Fortress Europe – effects and consequences of labour migration’, for the Heinrich Boell Foundation in Germany. The terms differ – ‘Selective Migration’ in France, ‘Managed Migration’ in the UK, ‘Labour Migration’ in Germany –

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Getting rid of the last resort

At the beginning of February, the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC) announced a desperate cash crisis and imminent closure – very, very bad news for those desperate asylum seekers who rely on the organisation for support and guidance. NCADC has closed its London/South East office in 2005, NCADC’s North East/Scotland office will be closing

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Genocide survivors face deportation

A Rwandan mother and her three children are facing imminent deportation after being ‘snatched’ from their home in Salford last week. Olive Mukarugwiza and her children Sandra aged 18, Olivier, 17, and Yvan, 6, are currently being detained in Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre. School friends and teachers of 6-year-old Yvan are extremely concerned about

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Are homes being turned into detention centres?

The National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC) and has branded the tagging of a growing number of asylum seekers as a means of ‘criminalising’ the innocent. Asylum seekers are being fitted with an electronic monitoring device around their ankles. A monitoring unit is then installed in the accommodation address where the individual resides. During periods

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