
Asylum: from deterrence to criminalisation

Below we reproduce Liz Fekete’s introduction to Asylum: from deterrence to criminalisation, a new report written by leading human rights lawyer Frances Webber. The EU’s spin about its harmonisation of asylum policy to create a supposedly fairer, more easily navigable system, masks the grim reality of life in Europe for would-be refugees. For European asylum

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Report on woeful asylum support

A new report, by the London-based Migrants Resource Centre into the effects of current asylum laws on the living conditions of asylum seekers, is a much-needed tool for those working in the field. Researchers, who questioned fifty asylum-seeker users of the London centre about their living conditions, provide a snapshot of the daily humiliations would-be

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Demonstration and hunger strike against immigration detention

On Saturday 8 April, over 250 people converged on Harmondsworth and Colnbrook immigration removal centres to voice their concerns about the detention and deportation of asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in the UK. Following this, a hunger strike by detainees began – and continues – inside Colnbrook. The demonstrators gathered at the two centres, which

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Matter of ‘life and death’ in Roma deportation case

A 23-year-old disabled asylum seeker is in hospital after the threat of deportation led her to self-harm. Enkeleda Berisha, known as ‘Eda’, suffers with spina bifida (SB), a spinal disease which can result in varying degrees of paralysis of the lower limbs. In addition to the physical and mobility difficulties associated with this illness, most

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A picture of ‘injustice’ in Iranian deportation case

A talented 18-year-old art student and his family are being threatened with deportation to Iran where, protestors argue, they will face torture and imprisonment. They say a picture tells a thousand stories. Behind the publicly acclaimed beauty of 18-year-old Behnam’s paintings lies private turbulence and instability, based on his recognition of an uncertain future. Perhaps

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Free service for asylum seekers and refugees

The Apostolic Church of God has opened the doors of its branches in Brixton, Wembley and Shepherds Bush to offer free advice and support to asylum seekers and refugees. It also offers a small Christian fellowship and meal service every Saturday at the Church of St Michael and St George in Shepherds Bush between 1

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Families speak out on control orders

At a recent meeting held at the House of Lords on ‘The nightmare of control orders’, lawyers, family members and supporters spoke about the psychological and emotional damage the orders were inducing. The meeting was organised by the Campaign Against Criminalising Communities and hosted by Lord Rea. Although the meeting was on the issue of

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Challenging detention of children

As campaigners across the world prepare for the first ever coordinated international day of action against immigration detention on 8 April, Liz Fekete charts the growing resistance to the detention of asylum-seeking children in Europe. Over the years, European governments have been locking up more and more asylum- seeking children and, in this way, rendering

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Award for ‘Asylum Undercover’

On Wednesday 22 February 2006, the Royal Television Society gave the BBC an award for the best current affairs programme for its brilliant documentary on the detention and deportation of asylum seekers, ‘Asylum Undercover’. ‘Asylum Undercover’ was shown on TV in March 2005 and exposed the abuse, physical and emotional, meted out to asylum seekers

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Fighting for the rights of Iranian asylum seekers

Two new events have been organised as part of a campaign to defend Iranian asylum seekers in the UK and prevent their deportation to a country they deem unsafe. As part of the ‘Life Without Fear’ campaign launched in January, the UK branch of the International Federation of Iranian Refugees (IFIR) is organising a public

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