
Tributes paid to James Ozigi

Most Senior Apostle James Ozigi, general secretary of the Council of African and Caribbean Churches and chair of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church in the UK, has died in Nigeria. On 8 November he was travelling in a car from Lagos to Ibadan, when a tyre on the car burst and the car crashed. He

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Forced deportations are leading to death and injury

The violence that arises out of forced deportation policies has been in the news in Austria, Germany and France where, last week, a police officer was convicted of the manslaughter of Ethiopian asylum seeker Mariame Getu Hagos in 2003. Austria Austria’s story begins with the intensely anti-foreigner atmosphere created by extremist parties in recent years.

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Voices from detention

Barbed Wire Britain has produced a second volume of testimonies from immigration detainees, an important tool in the struggle for rights and justice. Amidst the political and media clamour about how many asylum seekers have been or need be deported, the voices of the system’s victims are necessarily stifled. Would-be refugees are mere statistics, objects

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Speaking out against poverty

On 6 December at Westminster Central hall, National Poverty Hearings will take place – an opportunity for those suffering from the effects of destitution to speak to those who can do something. The hearings first took place ten years ago and will now examine the changes in poverty since the 1996. The event will be

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What price justice?

A campaign has been launched to persuade the government to guarantee an adequately funded legal aid system ensuring quality representation and access to justice for all. The campaigners, including the NSPCC, Shelter, Mind, Child Poverty Action Group, Advice Services Alliance and others, are worried that the government’s plans to reform legal aid could lead to

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Dedicated asylum legal advice for women

The Refugee Women’s Resource Project at Asylum Aid has established a pilot scheme offering legal advice on asylum issues to women. The service will be a dedicated legal advice telephone service for women. And will be able to help: Women seeking legal advice about their asylum claim; Family members and friends of women asylum seekers;

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Letter from the Netherlands

A contributor to the IRR’s European Race Audit writes on recent developments in the Netherlands. Dear IRR, ‘The party here in the Netherlands just keeps on getting better and better. Just when I thought I had heard it all, along comes immigration minister Rita Verdonk’s newest brain child. Regional police forces in the Netherlands can

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Abiy Fessfha Abebe: ‘I can’t go back. I rather die’

On 20 September, a brief inquest was held into the death of Abiy Fessfha Abebe, a 35-year-old Ethiopian asylum seeker who was found hanged at Greenbank accommodation centre in Liverpool the day after he was told that his asylum claim had been refused. The coroner found ‘it more likely than not he died by his

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