
The Independent Asylum Commission

Responding to concern about the UK asylum system, the Independent Asylum Commission is conducting an open investigation with a series of public hearings across the UK. The Independent Asylum Commission is made up of citizens’ groups of local churches, mosques, trade union branches, schools and community groups that are a part of London Citizens and

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Urgent action for ‘disappeared’ Algerians

Amnesty International has issued an urgent appeal on behalf of two men who were deported from the UK in the last weeks of January and are currently being held without access to lawyers or their families. The men, who had been labelled as ‘suspected terrorists’ by the UK government, were deported as ‘threats to national

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Return of Algerian refugees

Below we reproduce a statement by Gareth Peirce (of Birnberg Peirce & Partners), a solicitor for a number of Algerian men, ‘suspected terrorists’ who have variously been detained without trial or placed under house arrest. The men ‘voluntarily left’ the United Kingdom at the weekend. ‘Fewer than a handful of Algerian refugees are consciously choosing

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The Destitution Trap

A report published by Refugee Action explores the causes and effects of destitution among rejected asylum seekers in the UK. ‘The Destitution Trap’ is centred on interviews carried out with 125 people in nine cities in the UK by a team of independent consultants with extensive experience in the field of human rights and asylum.

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Fighting a ghost

An Algerian national security detainee speaks out against his indefinite detention in the UK. On 12 January, the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC), will hear from the lawyers for Reda Dendani, an Algerian national security detainee. He was first held under the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act provisions which were declared illegal by the House

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Human rights advocacy graduates speak out

Two days before Human Rights Day, sixteen asylum seekers and refugees graduated from an intensive human rights advocacy course. On Friday 8 December, Amnesty International hosted a graduation ceremony in London, which was attended by family, friends, activists and sympathetic MPs. After hearing speeches by Cameron Bowles of Education Action and Shami Chakrabarti of Liberty,

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Ugandan gay rights activist struggles to stay

After enduring torture and imprisonment in Uganda and hardship in detention at Harmondsworth removal centre, a gay rights activist is still struggling to stay in the UK. After enduring the loss of family members and extreme persecution in his native country, mistreatment, detention and abuse in the UK, as well as a previous attempt to

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Sergey Baranyuk forgotten at Harmondsworth

A recent inquest into the death of Ukrainian asylum seeker Sergey Baranyuk provided a glimpse of how asylum seekers are treated behind the closed doors of removal centres in the UK – detained, forgotten and slowly driven to despair. Sergey Baranyuk travelled from the Ukraine to the UK and claimed asylum. He died awaiting voluntary

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