
Demonstration with Zimbabweans in Nottingham

No Borders Nottingham and the Zimbabwean community will be demonstrating in favour of asylum rights and against the Mugabe regime on the day of the Zimbabwean election. Saturday 29 March 2008 Assemble at 2pm at Market Square, Nottingham Related links No Borders – Nottingham

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Southall Black Sisters threatened by withdrawal of funds

Southall Black Sisters (SBS), a long-standing domestic violence support group serving BME women, is facing possible closure after having key funding withdrawn from the Conservative-run, Ealing Council. Despite the fact that SBS has received national and international recognition for the support it has given Black and Asian women in West London over the course of

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Indefinite detention of four Algerian men unlawful

Four Algerian men, each detained for between eleven and seventeen months whilst they awaited deportation, have been released following a landmark ruling which found that their detention was unlawful. This case has significance for those large numbers of detainees who continue to remain detained unnecessarily, and possibly unlawfully, for long periods. This form of indefinite

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Human rights activist faces deportation to Cameroon

An asylum seeker who campaigns for human rights is facing deportation after nine years of living and working in the UK. Former University of London student Guy Njike was detained at an immigration reporting centre on 11 February after going to report under bail conditions. He was told his application for asylum had been rejected

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Sheila McKechnie Foundation annual awards

A charity set up to commemorate the life of Dame Sheila McKechnie, a dedicated campaigner who empowered homeless people to recognise and assert their rights, is looking to assist under-resourced and novice campaigners. The Foundation’s annual awards programme gives people advice and support in improving influence on local and national government. Previous beneficiaries include members

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Limbo status is made official

The Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill, currently going through the Commons, creates a new immigration status for undeportable ‘foreign nationals’. The Home Office’s failure to trace the whereabouts of a small number of non-British criminal offenders post-sentence back, in July 2006, led to a rule change in the same month, introducing a presumption in favour

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Trial begins of Harmondsworth 4

On Monday 14 January 2008, the trial will begin of four men facing charges in connection with a disturbance at Harmondsworth removal centre in west London in November 2006. Harmondsworth is run by private company Kalyx, a subsidiary of Sodexho. The disturbance is said to have occurred after guards, allegedly, stopped detainees at the centre

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Evidence on assaults and abuse during deportation collected

A coalition of groups assisting asylum seekers, including Medical Justice and the National Coalition of Anti Deportation Campaigns, is collecting information on alleged cases of assault during removal. The information required for the study is detailed in the document (available at the link below) but includes a person’s name or initials; the date of alleged

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Condemning the unborn

British asylum policies are condemning increasing numbers of children to illness, poverty and deprivation before they are even born. On the top floor of a high-rise flat in Leeds a young mother sits with her newborn child. Unlike most new mothers she is not surrounded by cards and flowers. Nor is she surrounded by well-wishers.

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