Press Release

How Black Working-Class Youth are Criminalised and Excluded in the English School System

The IRR takes a fresh look at the PRU-to-prison pipeline phenomenon in London     While a minority of young, multiracial working-class Londoners caught up in serious youth violence are schooled in the Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) and Alternative Provision (AP) that forms part of the ‘PRU-to-prison pipeline’; little is known about how the education

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance ( 11 – 24 September 2020)

ASYLUM AND MIGRATION Borders and border vigilantism 8 September: A Facebook group of border vigilantes named “Doček Migranata” (Bosnian for ‘Welcoming migrants’) now has 6,000 members committed to hunting down migrants in the border region with Croatia. (Bento, 8 September 2020) 12 September: Wolverhampton wedding disc jockey Jeremy Davis is behind a vigilante group that

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (28 August – 10 September 2020)

  POLICE AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM For more information on policing and civil liberties issues follow @NETPOL @BigBrotherWatch @COVIDStateWatch and @libertyhq. 26 August: A protest by a thousand people at the International Organization for Migration (IOM)-run Lipa migrant camp in Krajina, Bosnia, against a police beating of an unhoused migrant, is put down by Bosnian

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Race & Class, July 2020

Covid 19 has, asserts the July issue of Race & Class, thrown into relief so many key issues: the essential frailty of advanced capitalism, the potential for the state to control the life and death of citizens, the nature of human solidarity and the way in which we desecrate the planet. Now is the time

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (14 August – 27 August 2020)

  POLICING AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE For more information on policing and civil liberties issues follow @NETPOL @BigBrotherWatch @COVIDStateWatch and @libertyhq. 11 August: Liberty calls for South Wales police and other forces to stop using facial recognition technology after the Court of Appeal ruled that its use against civil liberties campaigner Ed Bridges breached privacy rights, and

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (29 July – 13 August 2020)

  BLACK LIVES MATTER PROTESTS AND RELATED POLICING 29 July: The Black Protest Legal Support Group reports possible legal grounds to sue the police, citing the requirements imposed on people to leave a kettle, the use of facial recognition software and the related requirement for people to take off their face masks before being able

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (15 – 28 July 2020)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. BLACK LIVES MATTER PROTESTS AND POLICING 17 July: Around 1,500 people protest in Berlin in support of BLM and to protest police brutality. (Deutsche Welle, 17 July 2020) 17 July: Anti-racist activists in Madrid hang a banner reading

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Two weeks of horror in Urban House: Wakefield Covid-19 outbreak

John Grayson uncovers the chaotic and terrifying reality behind official assurances as Covid-19 enters Urban House, continuing his investigation into the treatment of asylum seekers during the pandemic. ‘Death hovers over our heads here … Horror is everywhere’ – Resident of Urban House interviewed on BBC TV, 16 July Douglas, a professional worker from the Middle

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (1 – 14 July 2020)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. BLACK LIVES MATTER PROTESTS 8 July: BLM protesters join a rally outside the Tudor Rose in Southall, the only black-owned and black-run music venue in west London, which the council wants to demolish in order to sell the

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