
Is it a criminal offence to offer a cup of tea?

On 6 February, French riot police raided a warehouse in Calais and arrested activists who had been providing humanitarian assistance to destitute migrants in the area. Just days before the raid, campaigners held a press conference in London to announce the new space in Calais. The project, organised by local activists and housed in a

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Refugee roulette

The risks asylum seekers face if returned to their country of origin must be made clearer to decision makers, says a new report. For eighteen months the Immigration Advisory Service (IAS) scrutinised the asylum system focusing on how information (contained in Country of Origin Information reports) regarding the social, judicial and political conditions in a

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ID and the final exclusion

Biometrics and surveillance are set to make life virtually impossible for those without legal status here. On 6 January 2010, skilled workers from outside the EU became the latest group to need a biometric identity card in order to extend their stay in the UK. This involves attending one of the dozen or so ‘biometric

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Compensation for some, deportation for others?

The High Court’s acknowledgement that control orders based on secret evidence are unlawful, and the possibility of compensation for those affected, doesn’t help those facing deportation on the basis of secret evidence. On 18 January 2010, a High Court judge paved the way for a number of Muslim men who have been subjected to control

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London demos against border control and surveillance

London No Borders is holding a day of demonstrations in London to protest against border controls and increasing domestic surveillance. Under the banner ‘Life is too short to be controlled’, the demonstrations will begin on Saturday 23 January at 2pm at St Pancras International to protest at the border controls at the Eurostar Terminal, where

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Sponsored walk to raise money for Morecambe Bay families

In a few weeks time, the Morecambe Victims Fund will hold a sponsored walk for the families of the victims of the Morecambe Bay tragedy. To mark the sixth anniversary of the tragic event in which twenty-three Chinese migrant workers drowned while picking cockles, the Morecambe Victims Fund will hold a sponsored walk, from Liverpool

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Government failing mental health needs of refugees and asylum seekers

A new report has found that restrictive and contradictory government policies have severe implications for the mental health and well-being of refugees and asylum seekers. According to research conducted by Mind, the mental healthcare system in the UK is ‘regularly failing refugees and asylum seekers’ by not responding adequately to the numerous barriers that they

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Spirited away

UK Border Agency (UKBA) proposals to remove more people from the country without giving them a realistic chance to challenge their removal are causing anger and concern. Being forcibly removed from the country is a distressing and frightening experience. From 11 January 2010, it will be even more distressing and frightening for those people who

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Conditions at G4S immigration prison ‘worse and worse’

Below we reproduce an article which originally appeared on the website of Corporate Watch. Since it opened earlier this year, the UK’s newest and biggest immigration prison has barely had a day without trouble. However, Corporate Watch has learnt that things have become “much worse” lately, both for the detainees and for their visitors. Meanwhile,

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