
Racist murderer and accomplices convicted

Last week three young men were convicted for their involvement in a racist attack in August 2008 in Hastings which led to the death of Mohammed al-Majed, a 16-year-old Qatari student. George Austin (22), Alexander Quinn (19) and Paul Rockett (21) faced a two-month trial at Lewes crown court where they denied various charges in

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Racism, elections and the economic down-turn

Below we reproduce the editorial from the latest issue of the European Race Bulletin. June saw elections in Europe for 736 MEPs in twenty-seven countries. But while all eyes were focused on the extreme-Right and anti-immigration parties, the real threat posed by their gains has not been given the attention it deserves. At a time

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Tackling racism in the very young

A valuable new resource for early years educators has been produced. The format of Young children and racial justice: Taking action for racial equality in the early years – understanding the past, thinking about the present, planning for the future is that of a training manual. And as anyone familiar with such manuals will know,

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Germany: why did Marwa al-Sherbini die?

On 1 July, Marwa al-Sherbini, an Egyptian woman who wore the headscarf and was three months pregnant, was brutally murdered in a Dresden courtroom by a German man of Russian descent who declared ‘you have no right to live’. Marwa al-Sherbini was stabbed eighteen times in the space of thirty seconds. It was a frenzied

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Shockwaves: Romanians in Belfast

The recent racist attacks against migrant workers have turned my stomach. But two things have shocked me more than the attacks themselves. The first shock was the police tactics in dealing with this crisis. The Romanians have apparently been moved en masse under armed guard to a secret location. A large proportion of the local

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Fear and loathing in Belfast

In a personal statement, Phil Scraton sets the recent attacks on Roma in South Belfast in the wider context of persistent anti-Traveller racial violence in the UK. Over thirty Roma families, including many young children, were forced to leave their homes in South Belfast and within a week most families left Ireland, following several weeks

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Fifty years on – remembering Kelso Cochrane

Last weekend, a series of events were held in west London to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the racially motivated murder of Kelso Cochrane. Kelso, a 32-year-old immigrant from Antigua, was murdered on 17 May 1959 in Notting Hill by a gang of White men as he walked home from a local hospital after receiving

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Pro-Palestinian campaigners arrested after racism allegation

On 12 March, police raided the homes of activists in Swansea and arrested two people on suspicion of ‘conspiring to commit racially aggravated criminal damage’. This was no racial attack in the conventional sense and was not an attack on any person. The two people arrested are members of Swansea Action for Palestine. And their

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Brutal deaths have racial element

In three recent murder cases there are elements to suggest that the ethnicity of the victim was a factor in the violence used. These cases may therefore fall within the IRR’s definition of a racist murder.[1] Three Asian men jailed for revenge attack In the case of the killing of Meshack Brown, the judge clearly

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Press Release

IRR refutes BNP’s claims on racist murders

The Institute of Race Relations has today issued a statement on the BNP’s misuse of its figures on racially motivated murders. The Institute of Race Relations, an educational charity, refutes absolutely the claim made by the British National Party on its website and in its leaflet ‘Racism cuts both ways’ that the IRR’s figures reveal

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