
Racism: on the pitch but off the agenda

What should we make of recent allegations of racism in football? Until recently, the narrative on racism in English football resembled something of a self-congratulatory redemption story. The forms of racist abuse that were explicit in the 1980s – fans throwing bananas at black players, spitting at them when they took a throw-in, making monkey-noises

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Press Release

New geographies of racism: Stoke-on-Trent

Research published by the Institute of Race Relations shows that the geography of racial violence is changing rapidly in the UK and yet the authorities show little interest in tackling the problem. Focusing on Stoke-on-Trent, which has been devastated by deindustrialisation, and where the proportion of the city’s Black and Minority Ethnic population has doubled

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‘Murder in Notting Hill’ book launch

Join author Mark Olden and the Cochrane family, for the launch of Murder in Notting Hill which investigates the murder of Kelso Cochrane in 1959. Tuesday 20 September 2011, 6.45pm The Earl of Portobello, 36 Golborne Road, London W10 5PR Speakers include: Cllr Julie Mills – Mayor of RBKC, His Excellency Dr Carl B W

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‘The worst kept secret in Notting Hill’

A gripping new book on the racist murder of Kelso Cochrane over fifty years ago reveals the identity of the man suspected of the stabbing. Mark Olden’s book, Murder in Notting Hill, is a painstaking investigation into the unsolved murder of Kelso Cochrane, who was stabbed to death by a gang of white youths on

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Attacks on Islamic institutions increase

As part of ongoing research on racial violence in the UK, the IRR has documented 21 attacks on Islamic institutions reported by the media in 2011: at least one incident, on average, every ten days. These attacks exclude confrontations where people have been physically assaulted, except where they took place alongside acts of vandalism. Incidents

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Press Release

The new geographies of racism: Plymouth

Research published today by the Institute of Race Relations investigates how geographies of racism throughout the UK are changing in a wider climate of economic austerity, shifting patterns of migration and settlement and against the backdrop of new forms of racism exacerbated by national policies. The IRR’s first investigation, part of an ongoing examination of

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Eastern European workers under attack

Racist attacks on Eastern Europeans and, in particular, migrant workers continue to occur regularly and are being perpetuated by policies which foster destitution. Earlier this month, speaking through a translator from a hospital bed in Exeter, where he had spent the last three weeks, Daniel Sobieraj pleaded for information regarding three men who attacked him

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Three days of anti-immigrant violence shakes Athens

Following three days of anti-immigrant violence in Athens, questions are being asked about possible far-right involvement in the murder of Bangladeshi migrant worker Alim Abdul Manan. The attacks on immigrants started on Tuesday 10 May after Manolis Kantaris, a 44-year-old Greek man, died after a stabbing in what appeared to be a street robbery in

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Ninety deaths since the murder of Stephen Lawrence

Today sees the eighteenth anniversary of the murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993. Stephen was murdered in a racially motivated attack in which his friend Duwayne Brooks was also injured. Stephen’s death came at a time when a number of young people had met their death on the streets of the UK in areas that

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Linking racial violence to media coverage

Negative media coverage of BME issues leads, according to ongoing research by the Institute of Race Relations, to racial attacks. When the Channel 4 Dispatches documentary team broadcast ‘Lessons in Hate and Violence’ earlier this year, the programme provoked furore. The documentary used footage taken from two years of covert recordings in various Islamic schools

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