
Legacy of intolerance: racism and Unionism in South Belfast

What lies behind the recent spate of racist attacks on Africans and Asians in the Village, a Unionist stronghold in south Belfast? On 6 February 2004 the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) announced that it had stood down its commander in the Village area of South Belfast. Such a move is rare among the North’s loyalist

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Young of Belfast speak out against anti-Muslim racism

Cathal Hannan, aged 12, and Connor Scullion, 16, two young journalists from the Children’s Express group in Belfast, write about the experiences of their Muslim friends in the city after September 11: The ‘war on terror’ is now well under way, yet those signs that are presented to us in the West as positive, are

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Rising deaths as a result of racial violence

Research by the Institute of Race Relations shows that since the beginning of 1999, at least thirty-five murders with a racial element were committed in England, Wales and Scotland. This figure, when compared with the four years 1994 – 1998, when thirteen murders with a racial element were committed, shows an alarming rise. For, the

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Common Ground: a resource for youth workers

Aik Saath, a Slough-based youth group which was formed to reduce conflict between Asian youths, has produced a 24-page booklet and 8-minute video which aims to train young people in resolving disputes in a non-violent way. Aik Saath (‘Together As One’) was established in 1998 following a period of heightened tension and violence between different

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Black people face double discrimination

A two-year independent research project into the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has found that while black defendants appear to be more harshly treated than their white counterparts in the criminal justice system, prosecutors are too willing to drop ‘race charges’. Experience of the criminal justice system The research by Gus John Associates, which examined 12,913

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What happened to my son?

‘I sent him to the airport; he was so excited! It will be his first time living apart from us. I am proud of him and the next time we meet he will be a man!’ – Mr Lee was thinking as he saw his son, Lee Kyung Woon (also known as Michael), off to

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Hull: Hundreds of asylum seekers protest against racism

Around 300 asylum seekers – mostly Iraqi Kurds – gathered at Pearson Park in Hull this week to demand a stronger response from Humberside police to the racist attacks they are suffering. In the last two weeks, the number of assaults against asylum seekers and refugees in Hull has increased dramatically. A number of victims

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Racist murder of Zahid Mubarek: questions remain unanswered

An appeal hearing at the House of Lords began this week on behalf of Zahid Mubarek’s family, who are fighting for the right to have a fully independent, public investigation into the circumstances surrounding his death. In March 2000, 19-year-old Zahid was murdered by a known racist who had been put in the same cell

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Oldham: Asian boy left unconscious after racist attack

A 16-year-old boy was left with a fractured skull after being attacked and racially abused by a group of teenagers in Chadderton this week. The Asian teenager was smashed on the head with a blunt object and knocked unconscious after being chased along Garforth Street by a gang of youths on Saturday. He received treatment

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