Race and racism in a post-racial age

The annual Claudia Jones Lecture – on race and racism since the murder of Stephen Lawrence. Monday 28 October 2013, 7pm Thomsons Reuters HQ Auditorium, 1st Floor, 30 South Colonnade, London E14 5EP Speaker: Nicola Rollock –  Centre for Research and Education RELATED LINKS Centre for Race and Education

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No more deaths in custody

The annual United Families and Friends Campaign  (UFFC) march to remember those that have died in custody. Saturday 26 October 2013 Assemble at 12.30pm at Trafalgar Square, London to march to Downing Street Related links View a flyer UFFC Facebook event listing

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Press Release

Fighting for truth and justice

The latest edition of Race & Class includes Professor Phil Scraton’s account about the fight for truth around the Hillsborough Disaster of 1989. Last year, the Hillsborough Independent Panel released its findings into the Hillsborough tragedy that cost ninety-six people their lives, in which it catalogued an institutional cover-up that denied the voice of the

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‘Injustice’ film screening

A screening of Injustice, a film about deaths in police custody followed by a panel discussion. Tuesday 22 October 2013, 7pm Natura Café, Goldsmiths College Student Union, Dixon Road, London SE14 6NW Speakers: Ken Fero – Director Marcia Rigg – Sean Rigg Justice & Change Campaign Related links Download a flyer for the event here

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Press Release

Hillsborough: resisting injustice, recovering truth

The IRR is hosting a public meeting to discuss family campaigns for justice. On Wednesday 27 November 2013, the IRR and the Mannheim Centre for the Study of Criminology and Criminal Justice (LSE) are hosting a meeting to discuss family campaigns against the state to discover the truth about the deaths of loved ones. The

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Policing the police

The launch event of the London Campaign to Stop Police and State Violence. Friday 11 October 2013, 7pm University of London, Union, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY Including: Who Polices the Police? – film screening ‘Speak out’ – experiences of police violence RELATED LINKS Download a flyer here London Campaign to Stop Police and State

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What stop and search really means

Below we reproduce a letter from the StopWatch Youth Group to the Home Secretary on ‘what stop and search really means for young people and why this consultation is only the beginning’. Dear Home Secretary, Over the past three years, the StopWatch Youth Group has been campaigning, educating and advocating for changes to stop and

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Undercover police surveillance

A Haldane Society lecture on the calls for a public inquiry on undercover surveillance. Tuesday 8 October 2013, 6.30pm University of Law, 14 Store Street, London WC1E 7DE Speakers: Imran Khan – solicitor to Doreen Lawrence Louis Austin – former Chair of Youth Against Racism in Europe RELATED LINKS Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers

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Operation Nexus fears not allayed

A recent meeting with Met police failed to reassure migrant rights groups and activists that Operation Nexus is not harmful. Operation Nexus, launched a year ago as a collaboration between the Metropolitan police and the UK Border Agency was designed to clear foreign criminals off the streets of London and send them home. Immigration officers

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Counter-terrorism policing in Woolwich

Is racial profiling being carried out by counter-terrorism police in South London following the death of Lee Rigby? On 1 June 2013, a group of friends driving through Woolwich in the early evening were intercepted by police officers apparently from the Met’s Counter Terrorism command, SO15. According to youth worker Husani Williams, who was driving

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