
Three recent Black deaths in Met police custody

An investigation has been launched after the death of 23-year-old Ayodeji Awogboro in the custody of the Metropolitan police on 11 May. According to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), which is conducting its own investigation into his death, police followed his car after he allegedly failed to stop at a red traffic light on

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Writers and artists for David Oluwale

The David Oluwale Memorial Committee presents an evening of information and poetry. Thursday 15 May 2008, 7-8.30pm Wheeler Hall, St Anne’s Cathedral Hall, Leeds Speakers: Kester Aspden on his recent book: The hounding of David Oluwale Ian Duhig (TS Eliot nominee) and Rommi Smith (parliamentary writer in residence) will read poems in memory of David

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Death in Pentonville prison

IRR News has learnt that, on 30 March 2008, a man detained under immigration powers was found hanged at Pentonville prison. Alfredo Castano-Fuentes, 24, was found hanged in his cell during a routine cell inspection. Attempts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful and he was pronounced dead. Alfredo had served a one-year sentence for possessing a

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Celebrating 50 years of the IRR

This year, the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) will be 50 years old. It is the longest established race body in the UK. Over its fifty years, the IRR has pioneered research into racial violence, policing of Black communities, school exclusions, deaths in custody, xeno-racism and, through Race & Class, set new parameters for understanding

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Unreasonable suspicion

With the publication last week of The review of policing by Ronnie Flanagan, the Chief Inspector of Constabulary, the government is proposing another extension of stop and search powers beyond the requirement of ‘reasonable suspicion’. The Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, has announced that, from April, the powers allowing officers to conduct searches will be extended

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Dangers of secret inquests

In the Counter Terrorism Bill 2008, the government published proposals to allow an inquest to be held in secret ‘in the interests of national security’. The new proposals allow the Home Secretary to issue a certificate requiring an inquest to be held without a jury. In such cases the inquest would be held in front

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Support the appeal for a memorial to David Oluwale

An appeal has been launched for a memorial in Leeds to David Oluwale, who was found dead in the River Aire in 1969. Two police officers were later prosecuted and convicted of assaulting him. David Oluwale was a Nigerian migrant who arrived in the UK in 1949 and subsequently spent many years living on the

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Trial begins of Harmondsworth 4

On Monday 14 January 2008, the trial will begin of four men facing charges in connection with a disturbance at Harmondsworth removal centre in west London in November 2006. Harmondsworth is run by private company Kalyx, a subsidiary of Sodexho. The disturbance is said to have occurred after guards, allegedly, stopped detainees at the centre

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White man sentenced for murder

On 11 December, Peter Connolly was sentenced to life – with a minimum term of fifteen years in prison – for the murder of Christopher Alaneme, an 18-year-old who died after being stabbed in Sheerness, Kent on 21 April 2006. That night, Christopher, whose Nigerian family had moved from London to Kent because they felt

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Eight-year sentence for killing

A 21-year-old Preston man has been sentenced to eight years in jail for the killing of Shezan Umarji in July 2006. Liam McKerney was found guilty of manslaughter at Preston Crown Court in a majority verdict and two other men – his brother Kieran and friend Lee Moore – were cleared of murder and manslaughter.

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