
Second immigration detention ruled ‘inhuman or degrading’

For the second time in three months, a High Court judge has condemned the immigration detention of a mentally ill offender as inhuman or degrading. Campaigners are calling for a thorough review of the detention of vulnerable people after the judgment in October 2011 that the detention of a mentally ill man for deportation violated

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Cardiff cabbies to strike over violence

A mass strike is being threatened by Cardiff taxi drivers next week, in protest against the routine racism, abuse and violence that cabbies face and indifference by the police and local council. According to the chairman of the Cardiff Hackney Association (CHA), Mathab Khan, 731 CHA members could walk out next Friday, amid claims police

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Blue plaque for Frank Crichlow

A blue plaque will be placed for community activist Frank Crichlow at the former site of the Mangrove restaurant. Sunday 4 December 2011, 1pm 8 All Saints Road, London W11 1HH The unveiling will include past friends and colleagues including the Crichlow Family, His Excellency Garvin Nicholas, Dr Gus John, Darcus Howe, Mayor Julie Mills,

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Injustice: film screening

A screening of Injustice, a film on deaths in police custody, plus other entertainment. Friday 2 December 2011, 8-12 midnight The Law, Leisure & Learning Centre, 56 Villa Road, Birmingham B19 1LB (off Soho Road) Live performances: African dance by Sandra Golding, Ouidah Arts + Poetry by Tryphena Dore Conscious sound system provided by Shekinah

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Campsfield: 18 years too long

A demonstration to mark 18 years since the opening of Campsfield House removal centre. Saturday 26 November 2011, 12-2pm Campsfield House removal centre main gates, Langford Lane, Kidlington OX5 1RE Speakers include former detainee and migrant worker. Bring music, placards and banners. After the demo there will be a Barbed Wire Britain Network get-together at

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Press Release

New geographies of racism: Stoke-on-Trent

Research published by the Institute of Race Relations shows that the geography of racial violence is changing rapidly in the UK and yet the authorities show little interest in tackling the problem. Focusing on Stoke-on-Trent, which has been devastated by deindustrialisation, and where the proportion of the city’s Black and Minority Ethnic population has doubled

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Collective punishment of families

Local authority and police decisions to seize the homes of family members of those charged in connection with the riots or convicted of terrorist offences punish whole families for one member’s wrongdoing. Evicting rioters’ families In the aftermath of the August riots, Wandsworth Council served an eviction notice on the mother and 8-year-old sister of

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The London Retired Teachers’ meeting

A discussion on the riots. Tuesday 8 November 2011, 11am-1pm The Cartwright Room in Canterbury Hall, near Hamilton House, in Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD Speakers include: Liz Fekete – Institute of Race Relations Celia Stubbs – on the report into the death of Blair Peach Joanne Sanderson – on becoming politically involved

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