Race & Class, January 2015


The latest issue of Race & Class focuses on Crime and Punishment. 

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The latest issue of Race & Class focuses on Crime and Punishment. 

Twenty years ago, when the Ogoni people, led by Ken Saro-Wiwa, stood up against the depredations of Shell in their homeland, the Nigerian military dictatorship delivered the ultimate punishment – the death penalty. Victoria Brittain examines here in ‘A hero for our times’ (which is accompanied by excerpts from his writings) the enduring legacy of Saro-Wiwa’s supposed heinous crime – to speak out against ecological destruction.


Editorial by Jenny Bourne

Ken Saro-Wiwa: a hero for our times by Victoria Brittain

Criminalising the Other: challenging the race-gang nexus by Patrick Williams

German policing at the intersection: race, gender, migrant status and mental health by Eddie Bruce-Jones

‘I don’t have a life to live’: deaths and UK detention by Harmit Athwal

The imperialism of race: class, rights and patronage in the Philippine city by Christopher N. Magno and Philip C. Parnell


Return to Bosnia by Peter Pelz

Rewiring fascists: behind the cult of Exit by Liz Fekete

The defamation of Joy Gardner: press, police and black deaths in custody by Ryan Erfani-Ghettani


Refugees of the Revolution: experiences of Palestinian exile by Diana Allen (Elaine C. Hagopian)

Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire by Deepa Kumar (Basuli Deb)

The General: the ordinary man who challenged Guantanamo by Ahmed Errachidi with Gillian Slovo; and Sketching Guantanamo: court sketches of the military tribunals 2006-2013 by Janet Hamlin (Barbara Harlow)

Racism, Class and the Racialized Outsider by Satnam Virdee (Danny Reilly)

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Race & Class: a journal on racism, empire and globalisation

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Race & Class is published quarterly, in January, April, July and October, by Sage Publications for the Institute of Race Relations; individual subscriptions are £34/$63.