
Showing 61–72 of 197 results

  • Dying for Justice

    Background on 509 people from BAME, refugee and migrant communities who have died between 1991-2014 in suspicious circumstances in which the police, prison authorities or immigration detention officers have been implicated. Download a free digital copy here
  • Race & Class, January 2015

    The latest issue of Race & Class focuses on Crime and Punishment. 
  • Briefing Paper no. 9

    The briefing paper,  Hidden despair: The deaths of foreign national prisoners, by Frances Webber, examines recent suicides of foreign national prisoners in prisons and young offenders institutions.  Download a free copy
  • Race & Class, October 2014

    The October issue of Race & Class, ‘Memory and hope’, contains the views of Kashmiri scholars and activists on the country's history and possibilities for peace and autonomy.
  • Briefing Paper no. 9

    Sweden's counter-extremism model and the stigmatising of anti-racism critiques the Swedish model of countering the far Right and asks why Sweden's ministry of justice is increasingly at loggerheads with a younger generation's anti-racist values.   Download a free copy
  • Briefing Paper no. 8

    Exit from White Supremacism: the accountability gap within Europe’s de-radicalisation programmes highlights issues with European Exit programmes. Download a free copy
  • Race & Class, July 2014

    The latest issue of Race & Class examines the consequences of the co-option of charities and voluntary organisations within the immigration detention market.
  • Race & Class, April 2014

    In the latest issue of Race & Class, Sindre Bangstad explores the philosophical and political underpinnings of the freedom of expression debate in Norway. He warns that virulent far-right racism and extremism has been sanitised and made mainstream, threatening liberal democracy and equal citizenship in the process.
  • Investigated or ignored?

    Investigated or ignored? An analysis of race-related deaths since the Macpherson report, analyses the criminal justice system's response to racist murders, or atacks with a known or suspected racial element, since the publication of the Macpherson report. Download a free copy
  • Race & Class, January 2014

    In the new issue of Race & Class, three distinguished academics from Sweden's Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society, examine the 2013 'riots' in Sweden, comparing these to the August 2011 'riots' in the UK, and similar disturbances across the French banlieues in 2005.
  • Race & Class, October 2013

    In the October 2013 issue of Race & Class, Phil Scraton examines the legacy of the Hillsborough football stadium disaster, which claimed the lives of ninety-six people.