Kurdish refugees attacked in Plymouth

Two Iraqi Kurds were the victims of a racist attack in an underpass in the centre of Plymouth. The attack, by two young white men, took place at about 9.30pm on Friday 9 May. The attackers repeatedly asked ‘are you f***ing Turks?’, before assaulting one man with a skewer and the other with a belt

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Inquest finds Spencer Weston’s death was not an accident

An inquest into the death of a 21-year-old black man, who died in Leicester in 1999 after a police chase, has ended with the coroner taking the unusual step of giving a ‘narrative verdict’, providing a more informative account than the traditional verdicts of ‘open’, ‘accidental’ or ‘unlawful’. Spencer Weston received fatal multiple injuries when

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We the (only) People

Racial superiority is back on the agenda – in the guise, this time, not of a super-race but of a super-nation, a super-people, a chosen people, on a mission to liberate the world. The Iraqi peoples have to be saved from themselves – by force, necessarily, because they know no better. And who better to

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The BNP in the local elections

The British National Party, with eight councillors, has become the main party of opposition on Burnley Council. And, in a significant number of wards in other towns in the North of England and in the West Midlands, the party has been able to win over a quarter of the votes cast in the recent local

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Gangsters for life?

A new youth work video explores the myths and realities of Bengali ‘gangs’ in Tower Hamlets, east London. Claire Alexander, the author of a book on Asian gangs, discusses her involvement in the project. It is now nearly two years since the outbreak of unrest that scarred previously forgotten towns and communities across the midlands

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After Sangatte – assistance criminalised

Calais residents who dare to help asylum seekers in northern France are being criminalised by the French authorities, according to the Kent Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers. Since the Sangatte refugee camp was closed, just before Christmas 2002, French asylum support groups have tried to provide food and material support to asylum seekers in northern

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Britain’s detention centres: harassment, exploitation and insecurity exposed

Britain’s immigration detention regime has been subjected to a damning condemnation by prison inspectors this week, revealing that detainees are not given basic information about their cases, are exploited by unscrupulous legal representatives and are routinely strip-searched without reason. In one centre, Campsfield House, 12 per cent of detainees said that they had experienced sexual

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Home Office caves in to populist anti-asylum movement

The populist movement against asylum seekers scored another victory this week, as the Home Office abandoned plans to build induction centres in Sittingbourne and Saltdean. Sittingbourne, Kent, has been the scene of a strong local campaign opposed to government plans to convert the Coniston Hotel into an induction centre for 111 asylum seekers. The protests,

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Britain ‘fast-tracks’ Roma back to discrimination

Members of one of the most socially deprived communities in Europe, the Roma, are being deported in large numbers and at huge expense, even though in a year’s time, when their home countries become EU members, they will be able to legally reside in the UK. The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Roma Affairs in Stage

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