Marching against joint enterprise laws

JENGbA are holding simultaneous marches in London, Liverpool, Leeds and Leicester. Saturday 6 February 2015 London, Liverpool, Leeds and Leicester Related links JENGbA See Facebook for further details

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Say No to Immigration Street

A demonstration against Channel 4’s series Immigration Street, set to be screened in the run up to the General Election. Saturday 31 January 2015, 11am Channel 4 Headquarters, 124-126 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2TX For more details of the series and the campaign against it, click here. RELATED LINKS Southampton Communities Alliance

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Campaign against ‘Immigration Street’

A national campaign has been launched against a new Channel 4 series, Immigration Street. The programme, by the makers of Benefits Street, a controversial series aired in January 2014, is based on the residents of Southampton’s Derby Road. The series is due to be screened in the run-up to the General Election, leaving residents of

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Gypsies, Travellers and Traveller sites

A seminar hosted by Lord Avebury on identity, culture and the issues communities face relating to the provision of Traveller sites. Tuesday 3 February 2015, 1pm Palace of Westminster, Committee Room G, London SW1A 0AA RELATED LINKS The Traveller Movement

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Farewell Magna Carta: the Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill

The Bill currently going through Parliament, with virtually no opposition, impinges on basic freedoms and seems calculated to entrench the treatment of British Muslims as non-citizens. The Bill is being rushed through parliament with no pre-legislative scrutiny or public consultation on most of its provisions – a speed justified by the increased terror threat posed

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On liberty

The 2015 Corin Redgrave memorial lecture. Saturday 31 January 2015, 2.30pm Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL Speaker: Shami Chakrabarti – Liberty Related links Download a flyer (word doc, 82kb) Peace & Progress

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Ferguson solidarity tour

An American campaigner from Ferguson joins UK-based campaigners and activists to discuss issues around deaths in custody. Saturday 24 January – Luton Saturday 24 January – Brixton Sunday 25 January – Tottenham Monday 26 January – University College London Monday 26 January – Portcullis House, London Tuesday 27 January -
 Goldsmiths Tuesday 27 January – KCL Wednesday 28 January – University

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Anti-racist witchcraft

The question of loyalty to British traditions was already under attack thirty years ago in relation to the work of the Institute of Race Relations. As Britain reels from the fallout from the the Paris killings, the question of British values – who belongs to the nation and how that should be expressed – have been placed centre-stage.[1] Those

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Mike Marqusee 1953-2015

The movement has lost a unique and inspiring campaigner for justice. We have, over the years, had to note the passing of many fighters and of many writers; but it is rare to find a writer who fights or a fighter who writes, rarer still to find someone taking on popular culture and politicising it,

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Dover anti-fascist demo

A counter-demonstration, called for by the Anti-Fascist Network, against the Extreme Right in Dover. Sunday – 25 January 2015 Dover – details to be confirmed RELATED LINKS Anti-Fascist Network

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