
The Met police and mental health

The Independent Commission on Mental Health and Policing is currently carrying out a consultation in the form of an online survey. The Commission was established in September 2012 by the Metropolitan police in response to the inquest verdict into the death of Sean Rigg in police custody.  Sean Rigg died on the floor of Brixton

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Through the generations

A new exhibition on the untold stories of Tamil migration includes interviews with the IRR’s A. Sivanandan. The exhibition is the culmination of a one-year project by Race On The Agenda (ROTA) and the Tamil Community Centre in Hounslow. The project: ‘Through the generations: untold stories of Tamil migration’ has collated the oral stories of

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Through the generations

An exhibition featuring the histories of Tamil migrants to the UK. Official opening: Saturday 19 January 2013, 1-5pm Wednesday 16 January – Friday 25 January 2013 Paul Robeson Theatre Café, 1st Floor, Treaty Centre, High Street, Hounslow TW3 1ES Related links Download a flyer (pdf file, 704kb) Race On The Agenda (ROTA) Parking and Access

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Grunwick strike on film

A documentary following the two year strike at the Grunwick processing plant in the 1970s, led predominantly by the Asian women who worked there. Friday 1 February 2013, 7.30pm The Old Fire Station, 84 Mayton Street, London N7 6QT

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Stop MI5 blackmail!

A meeting to discuss MI5 practices.   Friday 18 January 2013, 7pm Council Chamber, Camden Town Hall, Judd Steet, London WC1H 9JE Speakers: Saghir Hussain – CagePrisoners Sharhabeel Lone – KTCO Mohamed Nur –  KTCO Kurdish Federation UK Tom Foot – Journalist George Binette – Camden UNISON Frances Webber – Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers

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Solidarity with Greek anti-fascists

A demonstration in solidarity with the anti-fascist movement in Greece. Saturday 19 January 2013, 12pm Greek embassy, 1A Holland Park, Notting Hill, London W11 3TP Related links Unite Against Fascism  

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SHAKE! Arts, media, race, power

A five-day course for 16-25 year olds to creatively express feelings and frustrations about the injustices of society. Monday-Friday, 18-22 February 2013 Stephen Lawrence Centre, 39 Brookmill Road, Deptford, London SE8 4HU Activities include: Interactive workshops with artists and educators Online media, film/video and music technology Access to a/v equipment and workshop spaces Opportunities to showcase

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‘A Wall of Anti-Slavery Fire’

A seminar on Frederick Douglass, a former African American slave who visited Britain in the 1840’s and enhanced the transatlantic connections between abolitionists. Tuesday 15 January 2013, 6pm University of London, Stewart House, 32 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DN Speaker: Hannah Murray RELATED LINKS The Black and Asian Studies Association

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Protest vigil: stop deaths in police custody

Below we publish an edited version of an article that appeared in the Slough Times on a demonstration that took place at the end of December. On a dark and cold winter evening protesters campaigning for justice for the two men who died in Thames Valley Police’s custody held a peaceful vigil outside Slough police.

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Calais benefit party

An evening of food and music to collect donations for migrants in Calais during winter. Friday 11 January 2013, 7pm til late Library Street Social Centre, 44-50 Lancaster Street, London SE1 0RY Related links Download a flyer here Library Street Social Centre

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