
‘I killed three … maybe four rats in my kitchen this summer’

© J. Grayson

Asylum campaigner John Grayson examines the appalling conditions in privately contracted housing for asylum seekers in south yorkshire.  Ann was showing me round her G4S terraced house, on the inner ring road in Doncaster, on a Sunday afternoon in late October. A few days earlier, Ann had been to the local advice ‘drop-in centre’ for

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Press Release

EU member states, in criminalising humanitarians, are feeding Europe’s far Right

The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) publishes today research showing that EU member states are using laws, aimed at traffickers and smugglers, to criminalise those acting out of humanitarian motives. The rhetoric of EU politicians and its border force, Frontex, may be fuelling far-right extremism, it IRR warns. It has written to the European Commission

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US empire under Trump

In a podcast, Race & Class Editorial Working Committee member Arun Kundnani talks to journalist Anand Gopal and filmmaker Madiha Tahir about US empire in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan under Trump, and the US Left’s response. Anand Gopal has reported for the Wall Street Journal, Harpers, and the Atlantic and is the author of No Good Men Among

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Calendar of racism and resistance (20 October – 2 November 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 20 October: A pregnant asylum seeker living in ‘dangerous housing’ provided by G4S in Doncaster pleads to be moved. (Open Democracy, 20 October 2017) 20 October: The Home Office publishes: Grenfell Tower immigration cases (guidance

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The companies who profit from the Direct Provision system

In the third of a series, asylum campaigner John Grayson examines the private companies involved in providing services under the Direct Provision (DP) system for asylum seekers in Ireland. ‘Monetizing people (seeking asylum) is unforgivable.’ (Andy Storey, lecturer in political economy at University College Dublin, Dublin InQuirer, 10 May 2017) There were many more companies

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We Are The Lions, Mr. Manager!

‘We Are The Lions, Mr. Manager!’ is the story of Jayaben Desai the inspirational leader of the 1976-78 Grunwick Strike. November 2017 and May 2018 At venues across the UK Related links View location listings here Read an IRR review here

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Calendar of racism and resistance (6 – 19 October 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 5 October: The Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration (ICIBI) calls for evidence on how the Home Office ensures it acts in the ‘best interests’ of unaccompanied asylum seeking children. (ICIBI press release, 5 October 2017)

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UFFC Annual Remembrance Procession 2017

The annual remembrance procession for those that have died in immigration detention and in police, prison or psychiatric custody, organised by the United Families and Friends Campaign. Saturday 28 October 2017, assemble at 12pm Trafalgar Square, central London Related links United Families and Friends Campaign United Families and Friends Campaign on Facebook United Families and Friends Campaign

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Making profits in Ireland’s asylum market

In the second of a series, campaigner John Grayson examines the asylum markets for private companies involved in providing services under the Direct Provision (DP) system for asylum seekers in Ireland. Who benefits from the system of direct provision? Who benefits from placing so many obstacles in people’s lives and imposing limits on the potential

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Deport, Deprive, Extradite conference

A conference on racism, borders and the security state in the context of the War on Terror. Saturday 18 November 2017, 10am-7pm P21 Gallery, 21-27 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD Speakers include: Amanda Weston Gareth Peirce Frances Webber – Institute of Race Relations Arnaud Mafille – CAGE Fizza Qureshi – Migrant Rights Network Related links Register here Download a flyer here (pdf

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