
Justice for Sheku Bayoh campaign launch

On 25 July, the campaign for justice for Sheku Bayoh, who died after an incident with police, was launched in Glasgow.  At the event organised by Scotland Against Criminalising Communities (SACC), a press conference was held, followed by a conference with the families of those who have also lost loved ones through a death in police

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Inquiring into police accountability and spying on family campaigns

On 16 July, the Home Office announced an inquiry into undercover police spies and their activities monitoring family campaigns and spying on protestors. Below we produce a statement by The Monitoring Group[1] which has been supporting some of the families whose campaigns were infiltrated by the police. The Monitoring Group welcomes the spirit and substance

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Calendar of racism and resistance (19 June – 2 July 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. POLICING AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE 19 June: The Independent Police Complaints Commission will consider whether the ethnicity or the mental health of a 33-year-old prisoner injured in a cell influenced the actions of six officers involved in his restraint, resulting in

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Past and present of the IRR

Two videos from the IRR’s recent conference Catching History on the Wing, which celebrated the work of the IRR and A. Sivanandan, are now available to view. The first session examined the ‘coup’ in 1972 which ousted the IRR’s rich and powerful Management Board and its monopoly on defining ‘race relations’, is available here. The second

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Audio & Video

Sivanandan’s April 2015 postscript

A. Sivanandan updates his thinking on globalisation, impact of the market state and the stirrings of rebellion. ‘The spaces are there for us to fight back in, and the time is here to be seized’. RELATED LINKS Read about the event here

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Audio & Video

Catching history on the wing: the future

Session three of of an event celebrating the work of the Institute of Race Relations on 18 April 2015. The future: Building on communities of dissent: premiere of film Catching History on the Wing: a conversation with A Sivanandan followed by audience/panel interaction led by Suresh Grover (The Monitoring Group) and Phil Miller (Corporate Watch), moderated

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Audio & Video

Catching history on the wing: the past

Session one of an event celebrating the work of the Institute of Race Relations on 18 April 2015. The past: Thinking in order to do – an audio interview ‘On lived theory’ with A. Sivanandan; discussion with Colin Prescod and Jenny Bourne about the IRR’s historic struggle, followed by contributions from the floor. Related links Read

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Silence Would Be Treason / Footprint Modulation

Art and performance around the campaign for justice for Ken Saro-Wiwa and the Ogoni 9, divestment from corrupt fuel companies, and diaspora responses to climate migration and destruction across the world. Saturday 27 June – Monday 29 June 2015 Locations across Durham Related links Facebook event listing Footprint Modulation: art, climate and displacement Download a flyer

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‘The time is here to be seized’

My conversation with Colin was recorded in 2011. But I have been given the chance to update some of those ideas for this event on 18 April 2015.  Neoliberalism is not working. All that stuff, about wealth trickling down, no society only individuals, the market as the regulator of everything, is shown to be false

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Peace of Mind – fundraising concert

A fundraising concert with The Crossings Band and Pikey Beatz in aid of Peace in Mind.  Sunday 10 May 2015, 7-11pm World Headquarters Club, Curtis Mayfield House, Carliol Square, East Pilgrim Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 6UF Related links Facebook event listing Peace of Mind

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