Complicity: Europe colludes with torture

Complicity: Europe colludes with torture

A screening of the documentary Ali Aarrass pour l’example (subtitled in English), the story of a Belgian dual national extradited from Spain to face torture and imprisonment in Morocco.

  • Monday 17 June 2013, 6.30-8.30pm
  • Room K-1.56, King’s College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS

Followed by a panel discussion featuring:

  • Farida Aarrass – Ali’s sister
  • Luk Vervaet – Free Ali Campaign
  • Hamja Ahsan – brother of extradited Talha Ahsan
  • Arun Kundnani Race & Class editorial working committee

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International State Crime Initiative

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Organised by the International State Crime Initiative and the London Friends of Ali Aarrass. The screening is free but registration is essential. To register, click here.