Migrant Media lab

Migrant Media lab

A session to improve skills in writing, blogging, social media, photography and video making with free professional practical support and mentoring from experts.

  • Tuesday 9 September 2014, 3-8pm
  • Migrant Voice, 111-117 Lancaster Road, London W11 1QT

Are you working on a new article? Writing a blog? Taking photo that tells a story? Producing a short messaging video? Or simply wanting to improve your social media skills?

The theme for this lab will be ‘Who? Me? – the personal impact of the immigration debate’.  If you are not already working on a project, we hope this will inspire you to produce media around this theme. Please note that it is important to sign up for a time slot – so please contact anne@migrantvoice.org with information about which practical support you are looking for on the 9th and what time you are available.

Experts include:

  • Daniel Nelson – Journalist and Editor, Oneworld.net (3-8pm to help with writing and editing, preparing for interviews
  • Karina Cabrera – Social Media expert (3-8pm to help with social media)
  • Andrea Pavarotti – Promo Producer at BBC Worldwide (6-8pm to help with video making and editing)
  • TBC: Nishit Morsawala – Text Producer Sky News (to help with writing articles)

Related links

Migrant Voice

Download full details of the event here (word doc, 216kb)

For more information, visit: www.migrantvoice.org or email: anne@migrantvoice.org.