Interrogating State Violence: Custodial Deaths, Justice and Resistance

Interrogating State Violence: Custodial Deaths, Justice and Resistance

A conference to mark the twentieth anniversary of the United Families & Friends Campaign.

  • Friday 26 October 2018, 9am-9pm
  • The Light, Friends House, Euston Road, London NW1

Speakers include:

  • Janet Alder – sister of Christopher Alder who died in Hull Police Station in 1998 and who has since campaigned for justice
  • Sherene Razack – Distinguished Professor and the Penney Kanner Endowed Chair in Women’s Studies

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Book a ticket on Eventbrite here

United Families & Friends Campaign

Migrant Media 


Organised by the United Families & Friends CampaignCentre for Research on Race and Law, Birkbeck Law School, Birkbeck College, University of London, Migrant Media and 4WardEverUK.