A future without immigration detention?

A future without immigration detention?

A conference on immigration detention in the UK.

  • Friday 26 April 2013, 5-9pm – Saturday 27 April 2013, 9.30-5pm
  • Brunei Gallery, SOAS, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H

Speakers include:

  • Dr Parvathi Raman – SOAS
  • Dr Liza Schuster – City University
  • Jerome Phelps – Detention Action
  • Alison Pickup – Doughty Street Chambers
  • Dr Frank Arnold
  • Meena Venkatachalam – Matrix Knowledge
  • Adeline Trude – Bail for Immigration Detainees
  • Lisa Matthews – NCADC

Related links

SOAS Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies

Tickets cost £20 (£10 for students). For more information and for full listings, click here.