News Service

Fortnightly Bulletin

Anti-racism at the crossroads. Time to choose

IRR News 13 – 27 April 2023 It’s time to face facts: the mainstream political discourse on race and anti-racism generates more heat than light. In fact, it is thoroughly divisive. Unless we break with its underlying punitive logic, we risk the total erasure of the UK’s proud anti-racist tradition – a collective fight against

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (11 – 25 April 2023)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Find these stories and all others since 2014 on our searchable database, the Register of Racism and Resistance. ASYLUM | MIGRATION | BORDERS | CITIZENSHIP Asylum and migrant rights 11 April: Following several protests 20 asylum seekers begin

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Over-policed and under-protected: why does nothing change?

Twenty-four years separates them, but both the Macpherson report and the Casey report identified ‘poor service provision’ as at the heart of institutional racism in policing. Writing from an abolitionist perspective, criminologists Sarah Lamble and Megan McElhone argue that getting to grips with contemporary police racism demands a more expansive approach. The recent finding in

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Press Release

Remapping Europe’s racisms

  The April 2023 issue of Race & Class offers a challenge to how Europe is understood and explores the origins and impacts of civilisational racism. A year on from the start of Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, IRR director Liz Fekete in the April issue of Race & Class takes issue with simplistic and

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Fortnightly Bulletin

Race to the bottom

IRR News 28 March – 11 April 2023 In the context of the forthcoming May local elections, this week’s Calendar of Racism & Resistance lays out in graphic detail the Dutch auction between the Conservatives and Labour on issues of law and order and asylum rights. From the ‘economic migrants’ who must be punished for

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (28 March – 11 April 2023)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Find these stories and all others since 2014 on our searchable database, the Register of Racism and Resistance. ASYLUM | MIGRATION | BORDERS | CITIZENSHIP Asylum and migrant rights 29 March: The High Court rules that the ‘immigration

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Fortnightly Bulletin

Challenging cultures of denial

IRR News 14 – 28 March 2023 With the Labour party chomping at the bit for the next general election, it’s time for far greater scrutiny of the Labour party’s polices on race, crime and policing. Sir Keir Starmer, in his Port Vale FC speech of 23 March on ‘fighting the causes of crime’ and ‘boosting

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (14 – 28 March 2023)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Find these stories and all others since 2014 on our searchable database, the Register of Racism and Resistance. ASYLUM | MIGRATION | BORDERS | CITIZENSHIP Asylum and migrant rights 15 March: Justice secretary Dominic Raab tells the House

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