News Service


‘Violence by design’ – the PPT delivers its verdict on the hostile environment

Public tribunal finds hostile environment policies foster racism, institutional cruelty and violence by design. As the scandal over the treatment of the Windrush generation and the failure to offer adequate compensation continues, the Home Office’s immigration and asylum policies are under scrutiny like never before.  The Department of Health and Social Care are under fire

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IRR News (8 – 21 May 2019)

Dear IRR News subscriber, A nationwide survey on racism tells us what we already know – that racial violence is on the rise, with racists emboldened since the Brexit vote. So how can it be that communities secretary James Brokenshire has spoken out against attempts to define Islamophobia as racism? This week on IRR News,

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Right definition for the right fight

If we don’t name Islamophobia as a form of racism, how can we combat it? Islamophobia may not be an all-embracing term – literally it means a fear of a religion – which is why some of us have, over the last two decades, preferred the term anti-Muslim racism to describe what has been happening

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The Scruton affair: picking on a harmless old fogey?

Playwright David Edgar takes the long view on conservative philosopher Roger Scruton, recently sacked from a government post – particularly his promotion of ‘unthinkable’ views on race and immigration as editor of Salisbury Review. I last saw Roger Scruton in the flesh in 2018, at a theatre conference to which he had been invited to

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (8 May – 21 May)

Written by IRR News Team A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM, MIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP ASYLUM, MIGRANT AND HUMAN RIGHTS 8 May: Under pressure from local councils, the Home Office announces a 61 per cent increase for funding the welfare of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. Local

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IRR News (23 April – 7 May)

Dear IRR News subscriber, There’s a fight going on to preserve multicultural London as we know it. From Southall to Brixton, from Tottenham to Elephant & Castle, BAME communities are amongst those speaking out against the demolition of social housing and highlighting the threat redevelopment poses to ethnic businesses and community street markets, the mainstay

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (23 April – 7 May)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM, MIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP REFUGEES AND THE LIBYAN CONFLICT 25 April: The Guardian releases footage of militias believed to be linked to the warlord Khalifa Haftar opening fire on refugees at the Qasr bin Ghashir detention centre, 12

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Swiss Priest prosecuted for helping a destitute man

Pastor Norbert Valley is the latest citizen to be charged with ‘facilitating illegal entry’ for giving assistance to a rejected asylum seeker. Norbert Valley is the pastor of an Evangelical church in the town of Le Locle, eastern Switzerland, a small picturesque place nestling in the Jura mountains, with a population barely over 10,000. As

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IRR News (3 – 21 April 2019)

Dear IRR News subscriber, Today, the IRR publishes When witnesses won’t be silenced: citizens’ solidarity and criminalisation, a compelling new report on crimes of solidarity that draws attention to a dramatic increase in prosecutions, restrictions and penalties against a variety of civil society actors, including of course, in the UK, the Stansted 15. Its publication

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