News Service


The truth about the human trade

Those who seek to aid refugees fleeing persecution are being tarred with the same brush as the profiteering human smugglers. Across Europe, the press is running salacious stories about illegal immigrants tricking their way into a country, aided by ethnic mafia. Anti-racists need to face facts about the trade in human beings and realise that

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The fight against racist science

An interview with Steven Rose Why are we seeing a resurgence of racist scientific ideas now with books like The Bell Curve and The g Factor? Scientific racism has been around for a very long time. The last big wave began in 1969 and was tied up with people like Eysenck in this country and

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Across Europe, as centre-Left parties are moving to the right, the centre-right parties are adopting issues associated with the Left. And in this game of musical chairs, immigration and asylum are key. There is nothing new in the mainstream political consensus on immigration and asylum issues. European Social Democratic parties have been quick to bring

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Black America today

CARF spoke to Barbara Ransby, leading Black feminist and co-founder of African American women in Defense of Ourselves, about recent events in the US. What is your attitude to the Million Man March? I am worried by the way it has shifted the terrain of struggle – on the issue of sexism and women’s role

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Deportations of Roma to former Yugoslavia

About seventy Sinti and Roma occupied the office of the EU-Commission in Bonn to draw attention to the fact that Germany is continuing to deport Roma to the former Yugoslavia despite the fact that the European parliament is considering an appeal by the Roma National Congress (RNC) against the deportations. On 24 October, the family

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Deadly silence: black deaths in custody (introduction)

One death is a death too many. Too many of us* have died without cause, since first we came to work for this country in the post-war years, in the custody of the police, the prison system and the special hospitals. Or if cause there be, common to all three, it is the racist bias

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