News Service

Update: far-Right political parties in Europe

In its latest review of the successes and losses of far-Right and anti-immigrant electoral parties in Europe, the Institute of Race Relations notes that extreme-Right immigration and law and order policies are being incorporated into the agenda of mainstream centre-Right parties; extreme-Right electoral parties are appealing increasingly to rural constituencies; and new political parties are

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NASS: chronicle of failure

When the National Asylum Support Service was created in 1999, its policing and deterrent functions were given priority over the provision of welfare for asylum seekers. The system that today forces asylum seekers onto the streets is the inevitable result. It was only the tabloid press and the Home Office which believed (or pretended to)

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Racist murder of Zahid Mubarek: questions remain unanswered

An appeal hearing at the House of Lords began this week on behalf of Zahid Mubarek’s family, who are fighting for the right to have a fully independent, public investigation into the circumstances surrounding his death. In March 2000, 19-year-old Zahid was murdered by a known racist who had been put in the same cell

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Use of fingerprints to be tested on Sri Lankans

Sri Lankans who apply for a visa to come to the UK are to be fingerprinted in a six-month pilot scheme. If successful, similar measures will be deployed for other countries. The scheme is due to begin on 14 July, after which all applicants for a visa at the British High Commission in Colombo will

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Oldham: Asian boy left unconscious after racist attack

A 16-year-old boy was left with a fractured skull after being attacked and racially abused by a group of teenagers in Chadderton this week. The Asian teenager was smashed on the head with a blunt object and knocked unconscious after being chased along Garforth Street by a gang of youths on Saturday. He received treatment

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Home Office puts misleading spin on own report

The Home Office, this week, tried to present its new research on asylum-seeking in Europe as evidence that its policies were working. But what the research actually says is that attempts to deter asylum seekers through hardline measures are unlikely to be effective. Earlier this year, Tony Blair set a target of halving the number

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Campaigners against Terror Act call for support

The Campaign Against Criminalising Communities, which has been monitoring the effect of the 2001 Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act on migrant and refugee communities, is calling for opponents of the Act to sign a statement against the legislation. The group is also preparing a submission to the Committee of Privy Counsellors which is reviewing the

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Palestinian refugee appeals anti-terrorist detention

On 23 June, Palestinian refugee Mahmoud Abu Rideh appeared at the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) to appeal against his continued detention without trial under the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001. 32-year-old Mahmoud was arrested in December 2001 soon after new ‘anti-terror’ legislation came into force in the UK, as a result of the

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Afghanistan’s never-ending tragedy

Despite the escalating violence and devastation in Afghanistan, European governments aim to forcibly repatriate Afghan asylum seekers. Instead, they should concentrate on the reconstruction of the country, and keeping pledges made to the Afghan people. Tackling refugee issues by introducing tough measures is the preferred approach of the immigration authorities in Europe. Unfortunately they fail

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