News Service


Two landmark asylum judgements

Two important cases, reported this week, vindicate the rights of refugees to recognition and fair treatment. In the first case, the House of Lords upheld Zainab Fornah’s right to refugee status as a young woman from Sierra Leone who, after abduction and repeated rape by rebel soldiers during the country’s civil war, was threatened with

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Remembering Naser Al Shdaida

Last week in Burgess Park, south London, the Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers (SDCAS), held a memorial service and tree planting ceremony for Syrian asylum seeker, Naser Al Shdaida, who took his life earlier this year after his asylum claim was refused. Naser was a regular user of the SDCAS which provides a ‘warm

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Profiling Muslim students is unlawful in Germany

British universities are being asked to inform Special Branch of the suspicious behaviour of ‘Asian-looking and Muslim’ students. But a court in Germany has already ruled that profiling Arab students, in the name of countering terrorism, is incompatible with the German Constitution. Post-September 11, Germany developed the most extensive systems of religious and racial profiling

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Loyal to racism

A new book on Irish racism explains how racial violence in the North cannot be combated without dismantling state racism. Anyone who reads IRR News will be aware of the serious level of racial violence in the North of Ireland. In fact it was Bill Rolston writing for IRR News who first explained how to

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Kenny Peter’s inquest points to asylum failures

On 15 September, an inquest found that yet another asylum seeker had taken his life in detention. Unusually, in such cases, in addition to a self-harm verdict, the jury also listed the numerous ways in which the system, supposed to care for vulnerable detainees, had failed to do so. Kenny Peter, a 24-year-old African asylum

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After the Swiss referendum

Nearly 70 per cent of those who voted in a referendum in Switzerland on September 24 said yes to reform of immigration and asylum laws. But the committee formed to oppose laws, which, according to UNHCR are amongst the harshest in Europe, has announced that it will build on the support of the 32 per

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Asylum and immigration legal advice at risk

A wide-ranging review of all areas of legal aid is currently taking place.[1] As part of this review, the Department for Constitutional Affairs (DCA) has announced proposals to change how publicly-funded immigration and asylum legal advice is provided.[2] The Legal Services Commission (LSC) is running a consultation on these proposals, which ends on 12 October.

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Europe’s extremists make electoral gains

Electoral gains for extreme-Right parties in Sweden and Germany are cause for concern for anti-racists in the UK . Increasingly, government policy on issues such as asylum, immigration and the rights of ethnic minorities is being shaped at a European level. With xenophobic and Islamophobic electoral parties now a permanent feature in European politics, no

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Conference finds common cause

Over 250 individuals representing more than eighty organisations (listed below) attended the Institute of Race Relations’ one-day conference, Racism, Liberty and the ‘War on Terror’ on Saturday 16 September. Its aim was to unite activists from a broad range of campaigns in an understanding of how racism, imperialism and globalisation interact today. As keynote speaker

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