News Service


Tribalism and Powellism infuse TV series

Three recent Dispatches programmes on immigration, fronted by Rageh Omaar, were ill-informed, misleading and alarmist. It seems that the whiteness of the latest wave of migrants to the UK has provided the perfect opportunity to peddle the ‘I’m not racist but immigration has to stop’ card. Channel 4’s Dispatches’ three-part Immigration: The Inconvenient Truth, replete

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Nigerians in the UK urge boycott of British Airways

British Airways has been criticised over its handling of a forced deportation and its treatment of Nigerian passengers on a flight from Heathrow airport. Passengers on board the 27 March BA flight to Lagos began to protest about the manhandling of Augustine Eme, a Biafran independence activist, who was allegedly being restrained by up to

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New report says Islamophobia warps integration efforts

On 14 May, BME activists, educationalists and professionals working within Muslim communities and on integration issues from five European countries will meet to publicly discuss the findings of the Institute of Race Relations’ pan-European research project into Integration, Islamophobia and civil rights in Europe. Liz Fekete, the report’s author said: ‘The clash in Europe is

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Hillingdon fails to support asylum seeking children

A new report from the Children’s Commissioner for England has criticised the London Borough of Hillingdon for its treatment of unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC). The Commissioner’s organisation – 11 Million – found that Hillingdon failed to support children in their basic health and educational needs and that decisions were often made without taking into

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Racial bias in reporting crime

A new report from the Runnymede Trust has found that the print media’s reporting of violent crime exacerbates racist tension. ‘A Tale of Two Englands – ‘Race’ and Violent Crime in the Press’ by Kjartan Páll Sveinsson analyses newspaper articles over a two month period in 2007 and shows that the way in which crimes

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Why we should fear Italy’s Northern League

When a xenophobic party succeeds electorally in one European country, it has a knock-on effect for all Europeans because immigration, asylum and integration policies are shaped at the EU level. Those of us seeking just and humane race and immigration policies in the UK should be fearful of the knock-on effects of the Italian March

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Few safeguards for asylum-seeking children

A recent report by the Children’s Commissioner for England has highlighted failings in the UK’s treatment of unaccompanied child asylum seekers at asylum screening units. An investigation by 11 Million, the organisation led by the Children’s Commissioner, found that children’s basic needs for food, accommodation and legal advice were often not met. The report suggested

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Protests break out in removal centres across the UK

Detainees in Harmondsworth and Yarl’s Wood removal centres have been taking action in the last month in protest against the conditions inside the centres and the ‘fast track’ processing of their asylum claims. In Harmondsworth on the morning of 1 May, a peaceful protest started with almost all of the detainees refusing food. They later

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Race history made thirty-six years ago

A member of the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) recalls the events of 1972 which changed the terms of the race relations debate. On a balmy evening thirty-six years ago, a motley crew of suited businessmen, Black power activists, academics, journalists, community activists, members of the Lords and Commons and tellers from the Electoral Reform

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Document on student extremism seriously flawed

New policies being recommended to prevent extremism on campuses are aimed at the wrong target and could promote division and fear within the student body. There are times in life – and politics – that you encounter a straightforward lie. Saddam Hussein has nuclear weapons. The local council is giving asylum seekers free mobile phones.

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