News Service


UN Human Rights Council listens to migrant voices

A special session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva has heard calls for an end to the criminalisation of irregular migration and the detention of migrants from NGOs, UN experts and governments of the south. On 17 September a migrants’ rights network was given a rare chance to tell the United Nations (UN)

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The human cost of inhuman policies

Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) has issued a moving report on the experiences of those held in immigration detention. Some of the questions which immediately spring to mind on reading this heartbreaking and shaming report are: how can this situation have been allowed to arise? how can it be allowed to continue? how can we

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Subject to British values

New nationality legislation will create a class of subjects not citizens. The one thing which can be said for the empire was that anyone who was born anywhere in its far-flung corners was legally British by birth. True, various stratagems were employed to prevent these imperial subjects from settling in the mother country, but at

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Minor crime doesn’t justify deportation, judges say

The government’s tabloid-driven policy to get tough on refugees who commit minor criminal offences has been dealt a blow by a recent legal ruling. For the past few years, human rights lawyers and refugee support groups have expressed increasing concern over Home Office policy to treat refugees who commit minor offences as ‘foreign national criminals’

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Racism, elections and the economic down-turn

Below we reproduce the editorial from the latest issue of the European Race Bulletin. June saw elections in Europe for 736 MEPs in twenty-seven countries. But while all eyes were focused on the extreme-Right and anti-immigration parties, the real threat posed by their gains has not been given the attention it deserves. At a time

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Godfrey Moyo – prisoner or patient?

On 6 July 2009, an inquest jury recorded a highly critical verdict of neglect in the death of Godfrey Moyo in HMP Belmarsh. Twenty-five-year-old Godfrey Moyo, a Zimbabwean, died while on remand at the Category A Belmarsh prison on 3 January 2005 in the early hours of the morning after suffering an epileptic fit. Godfrey’s

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Tackling racism in the very young

A valuable new resource for early years educators has been produced. The format of Young children and racial justice: Taking action for racial equality in the early years – understanding the past, thinking about the present, planning for the future is that of a training manual. And as anyone familiar with such manuals will know,

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WorldBridge – the UK’s new drawbridge?

When Neil Clarke of UNITED[1] organised a conference in Sheffield, he stumbled across a new series of obstacles for those seeking visas for the UK. Organising a conference bringing together delegates from the 560 or so anti-racist, anti-fascist, refugee and migrant support groups in seventy European countries which make up UNITED is no easy task

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Islington’s not so silent voices

In June 2009, Reel Islington Screenings (RIS) held its second film festival to showcase up and coming young film-making talent in Islington. Islington has been acclaimed for its outstanding youth work throughout the borough. Young Muslim Voices (YMV), part of the youth engagement programme of the Listen Up project, won the prestigious Phillip Lawrence award

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Black groups in cleft stick

The government’s strategy to prevent young Black people’s over-representation in the criminal justice system is deeply contradictory, says a new report. ‘Policy, purpose and pragmatism: dilemmas for voluntary and community organisations working with black young people affected by crime’ written by researcher Helen Mills for the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies (CCJS) and based

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